About a week ago I had a dream which has been bothering me a lot lately. From the third person point of view I watched a little boy, around 4 or 5, and an older man, about middle aged. The older man molested the little boy, took pictures, and then showed the boy. Although his name was never stated, I got a feeling that his last name was Winter. What really bothers me about this dream is that it felt as if I was watching something that had really happened. This sounds nuts I realize, but my friend looked in the sex offender list for the area and apparently there is a guy there with the last name Winter in my city. When I get my internet back properly I'm going to check it out myself, so I can see the picture. The other likely case is that my head is trying to tell me something important through symbolism in this dream. I just can't figure out what.
No, I am not in to watching little boys being molested, and no, I was not tripping out on drugs.
There is a lil thing called surpressed memories my friend. and certain situations and such can trigger the sudden relapse of a surpressed memory. not saying you were molested as a child im just saying its a posibility. how old was the man in the dream?
30's or 40's is my guess, didn't recognize him as anybody I know.
"What interprets dreams and sounds like a bell.....(((Jung)))"