ok guys so were gonna do som lerning today even tho lerning is stupid this lerning ur not geting graded on and u dont hafta lern it or do any homwerk so anyways here it is im gonna rite this stuff down from other websites and post it here
science is defined as is an enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world.[
jet ingins-
a jet engine werks like this. there is a big silinder and huge fans inside this. wen the engine is runing then the fans tern and it sux in air from the outside. wen it sux in air it dose so realy fast so that it gets compresed in a chamber. now we all no that compreshin coses heat so that it explodes and provides a lot of forse. unlike a pistin engine there is not individule exploshins but a constint exploshin that keeps puling fresh air in and expel8ing heeted exost air out and it pushes the jet. ok so now u all no how 1 werks lets c a picter
ok so ill have more l8er on but ill let u guys contimpl8 this 4 a wile gotta go play with dry ise cus my friend is having his 18 yeer old friend buy it 4 us anyways its aginst the law
"elementary my dear Watson"
ya i think they bern alot of fuel but idk cuz a airplane can fly all the way acros the pasific oshin 2 australia on 1 tank of fuel.
but the b 1 lancer uses jets its my faverit plane its wings can go back wen it wants 2 go faster :o:o:o:o
i saw 1 at a air show 1 time and then it went upside down!!!!!! and almost went the speed of sound but its still cool wen it only coms close 2 braking the sound barier cus u cant here the sound at 1st cus its only a few feet from the jet so u dont here it till its next 2 u and its rly loud wen it finaly gets 2 u
The intake sucks in all the air and displaces it to the compressor. Stator and rotator blades compress the air by swirling it to the combustion. The combustion is continual and the turbine section increases the pressure of the exhaust air and increases the velocity [Bernoulli's principle] The exhaust pipe rejoins the air in a huge jet creating thrust.
Some of the intake air is used for cooling purposes like anti-ice/freeze. There are stator vanes in the inlet [hot air from the combustion section] that spray the air in the inlet to prevent ice build up.
Some aircrafts like fighter jets can change their exhaust from a convergent duct to a divergent duct to increase or decrease speed in midair. Something commercial aircrafts can't do.
u remind me of a frind of mine who has2 repeet wut i say in a more profeshinal way and ad in bits of nolege that doesnt belong there just 4 the sake of leting every1 no that he noes somthing. get out of my thread pls :o:o:o
ps: im drunk