When a user insists on repeatedly re-posting garbage that has been moved to "Not In My Forum" it would be helpful if the mods could simply merge the additional moved posts from their forum into the new thread created in created in "Not In My Forum" instead of moving each post to a new thread.
this. seems unfair.
Copy the destination thread link and paste it in the field for thread.
I tried that but got a message saying I did not have permission to do that.
Hmm, Global Mods can do it. In this case just move them a thread in your section and then dump the thread in the Trash section but do this in case of flooding etc. Report feature helps when requesting aid from Global Mods.
Good idea thanks! :thumbsup: I would prefer to use the PM system rather than risk abusing the report feature but I will play it whichever way makes it easier on us all.