Y'know how we're all about the promotion and encouragement of free information? Y'know how we're also trying to modernize our information and generate relevant guides? I think we should combine these two aspects and start putting together information which "they" don't want you to know. I guess you could say it's an updated form of Bad Ideas, except instead of offering information about making a dry ice bomb, we offer information about things which law enforcements, security companies and governments don't want you to know.
Fuck, that was a massive ramble as I was watching TV at the same time. I'm not sure what I'm exactly trying to say here, but I think that an alternate type of information would be cool.
How to bypass the newest type of security, how to destroy the latest type of surveillance cameras, etc.
Think out the box, people.
Also just randomly, was chatting to my Counsellor (she's more of a "anything pissed you off? No? Sweet, well, email me if something gets you down" type) but anyway, she asked me what is the easiest way to wind me up.
"Television" I responded, "Oh, and newspapers"
"How do you live?" she said
"I don't, I suppose. But then again, it's quite nice. How do you live with yourself after watching hours of crap and reading depressing stories in the Daily Mail?" I replied.
And I walked out of there like a badass.
It's true - we need this sort of content. No one cares about writing bomb guides any more because that information is already EVERYWHERE. We need to modernize. That said, bomb guides can still be written up and posted under the new "stick it to the man" rules in my OP. Just pretend the bomb guide is for terrorism purposes