My intention is in the title...
Anyhoo, I have nothing else to do at stupid oclock so im adding words here. Words that have no importance, but nonetheless, they are spelled correctly.
So, in a vain attempt to stop this thread being completely useless, how has everyone spent their nights/ mornings?
Killing Floor
Lose the game
Meh, typical night for me....
I always knew that I loved buddha for a reason...this is it . . . among many more plentiful threads that i have learned/been crushed/intimated/plain old silliness have read and enjoyed. Not that this is the only reason but he brought me here and all of you and your cleverness/douchyness/capacity is nothing more than awesome... only sorry that not too long after i got to know buddha that this site was closed ... fuck im a woman i may have gotten wayy off topic
much heart to all of yous
I think your mums posting on the forums mang......& she sounds like she's been pashing the vodka bottle again.
Just a heads up mate, :thumbsup:
HAHA, No, just some drunk internet stalker.
I'm kidding. I love you too Ducklips you fucking weirdo. :facepalm: