What do you guys think about this shit?

- Introducing the Chromebook[/ame]
-"This is a laptop." "This is a computer?" "Not really."
Looks like one to me.
-"This has the web?" "It actually IS the web."
No, it's a computer with nothing BUT the web.
No programs, no desktop. What the fuck? Why would anyone want to keep all of their files and information on the web? I don't need to be on the web 24/7 to do the things I wanna do on my computer.
Looks gay as fuck to me.
You have an Android phone
I would like to be able to install another OS on it though. Hardware features wise it's incredible. Macbook incredible. Day long battery life? HUGE track pad? Built in mobile internet so no need for tethering. Yes please.
I loved the advert too.