Okay, with the release of Backtrack 5 I'm stuck on the decision of downloading the new ISO with either desktop environment.
While I'm already familiar with KDE via the prior versions and I've read a few comparisons between the two I was wondering which one Totse users favor and if so why?
There is no definite reason to go with one, it's a matter of taste.
Qt (generally) and KDE apps have a lot more options, with GNOME a lot of things are hidden from the use.
When i downloaded backtrack i ended up with KDE, it's the "preferred" DE, so go with that.
Personally, I've always used Backtrack with the KDE environment so I'd probably stick to using that. Plus, GNOME wouldn't run quite as well on my shitty laptop. However, its worth a try if you fancy it, as GNOME is pretty nice and definitely looks better. You might not get such a good range of settings to play with though, which might suck. On the other hand, a lot of BT tools run from a CLI anyway, so whatever
*Goes to DL*
Knife or Fork?