Whenever I use adduser and log in to my unprivileged user everything is all fucked up and the OS back to Ubuntu with a grey background on the desktop.
Then I tried to use this guide:
http://www.backtrack-linux.org/forums/backtrack-howtos/1741-howto-create-unprivileged-non-root-user-backtrack.html but it's for BackTrack 4 and when I tried it I couldn't get the first command to work.
Any help would be appreciated.
The version of BT5 you are using is based on ubuntu. Therefore think of it as ubuntu & not BT.
Pretty sure this is all I need to do I just don't know what to move and where. Trying this GNOME version isn't helping either I think everything is too different from the guides I'm reading to figure out.
Edit: I think I figured it out.
I use it because of how easy it is to just download a complete distro which already has all the tools I'll ever need, plus a whole load more of them which I can learn to use as well. It's just effective in all ways for me really, and it's a really fun OS to get to grips with.