Is it just me or does is seem like America only celebrates tragedies?
Easter: Son of God nailed to some wood by the jews, americas best friends
Christmas: A day of 'celebration' used to validate backwards educational and social practices in many states
New Year's Day: A day when americans look back on the year gone by, knowing the future years will lead to a shittier country
Thanksgiving Day: Based on a famine
Martin Luther King Day: Some one got shot, so we have a party...
Presidents Day: A day to celebrate the fact a nation can be dominated by a single person
Memorial Day: A day to remember people who are dead, rather than celebrating the fact you are alive
Labor Day: A day to appease the deaths of workers at the hands of federal agents
Columbus Day: Celebrating the first Italian to come to America. Many more have arrived since bringing organised crime, Mary worship amd socialism / anarchism.
Veterans Day: A day to celebrate the american imperialist agenda
Independence Day: A sad day for america, when Britain just could not be arsed with it anymore.
Easter: Son of God nailed to some wood by the jews, americas best friends
Christmas: A day of 'celebration' used to validate backwards educational and social practices in many states
New Year's Day: A day when americans look back on the year gone by, knowing the future years will lead to a shittier country
Thanksgiving Day: Based on a famine
Martin Luther King Day: Some one got shot, so we have a party...
Presidents Day: A day to celebrate the fact a nation can be dominated by a single person
Memorial Day: A day to remember people who are dead, rather than celebrating the fact you are alive
Labor Day: A day to appease the deaths of workers at the hands of federal agents
Columbus Day: Celebrating the first Italian to come to America. Many more have arrived since bringing organised crime, Mary worship amd socialism / anarchism.
Veterans Day: A day to celebrate the american imperialist agenda
Independence Day: A sad day for america, when Britain just could not be arsed with it anymore.
Hahaha, wow someone needs to add more HAPPY days in there.
Easter: Son of God nailed to some wood by the jews, americas best friends
Christmas: A day of 'celebration' used to validate backwards educational and social practices in many states
New Year's Day: A day when americans look back on the year gone by, knowing the future years will lead to a shittier country
Thanksgiving Day: Based on a famine
Martin Luther King Day: Some one got shot, so we have a party...
Presidents Day: A day to celebrate the fact a nation can be dominated by a single person
Memorial Day: A day to remember people who are dead, rather than celebrating the fact you are alive
Labor Day: A day to appease the deaths of workers at the hands of federal agents
Columbus Day: Celebrating the first Italian to come to America. Many more have arrived since bringing organised crime, Mary worship amd socialism / anarchism.
Veterans Day: A day to celebrate the american imperialist agenda
Independence Day: A sad day for america, when Britain just could not be arsed with it anymore.
Even as a Brit, this made me pretty down. To be fair though, the religious holidays are celebrated (although not so obviously) by many Christian Nations, including the UK. We have November 5th which is quite awesome, but the meaning has now faded into the History books, and November 11th to remember the apparent armastice never to fight again (lol like that will ever happen). However I believe these memorials should look forward instead of back - not least when the generations sink into the History books as well. In fact one of my History modules at University was to look at memorials (war and other ones) to see whether they spur on the feelings of hatred towards those who killed the people mentioned on them, or whether they are a reminder to not commit such atrocities again. Nobody came to an agreement as it's impossible in a world where conflict is an everyday occurence on the News, and more memorials are being put up around the world each month.
I think 9/11 and Armastice day will change a hell of a lot once those affected die. Armastice day will change soon and probably be taken onboard by a mix of Socialist fags, Right Wing Veteran lovers and a Monarchy who will have even less power. As for 9/11, it will either become a sombre day to remember your great Grandfather who was killed, or an excuse to continue a war on an almost invincible ideology, bringing the future World into yet more conflict.
I hate to sound like a Hippy, but it's not hard to get along. Put aside money and the man in the sky and realise at the end of the day - we are all Humans. We all want the best for the world and it's a shame we let a minority get more airtime to sway our opinions to support them.
Just realized I have an entire folder dedicated to 9/11 pics and .gif's.
Can't find it, though.
Anyway, I was a lowly 5th grader when the shit went down. Saw it on tv before I left for school. When I got there, my classmates were chatting about it, as were those ahead of me and those younger who could understand it. The staff? Acted like it was just another day, not worthy of note. Fuckers.
Had some family near it, but none actually killed in any of it. Even if they had died, not sure I'd honestly give a shit. People die every day. Not one of 'em go "before their time." Some die doing something noble, others committing atrocities. Most of the people in the 9/11 attacks? Sitting, scared shitless, in a plane or their office. Then they hit a building or it fell down on 'em. Not that impressive. Thus, not worth me giving a rat's ass.
Ten years later, most of my classmates take the stance of the staff. Ten year war? Whatever. Some went off into the military to fight. The smartest few are sitting back, waiting for a real war to breakout at home. And goddamn, what a glorious time that will be.
Lets have a moment of silence for the US government & its capability to implement fear and need into american people everywhere ....................................
I flicked on the TV last night and watched a movie with Nicholas Cage in it. I think it was called "The Twin Towers", but I can't remember now. It was about the twin towers explosions, and Nick played a firefighter who was trapped in the rubble when Tower one collapsed. It was pretty good, and I think the fact that I was laying there reading all the 9/11 conspiracy theories made it a LOT better
Those conspiracy theories have got me hooked now.
The collapse of the towers looked like a controlled demolition. Airplane fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel, which is what apparently caused the towers to collapse. Traces of thermite were found in the rubble... They claimed that it was from paint, or something.
As for Thermite, jet fuel + steel = rust, add the fire to that and voila! Well that's what an engineer told me anyway.
And no, not the sort who erects dispensers
The steel wouldn't have had to melt to cause a failure of the structure. The heat would have softened the steel enough to cause a collapse, With all of that weight above the crash site any weakening of the steel would cause major problems. I highly doubt that it was destroyed with thermite, explosives or any other "non aircraft" related bullshit.
As for Thermite, jet fuel + steel = rust, add the fire to that and voila! Well that's what an engineer told me anyway.
And no, not the sort who erects dispensers
As for Thermite, jet fuel + steel = rust, add the fire to that and voila! Well that's what an engineer told me anyway.
And no, not the sort who erects dispensers
damn... what a cutie!!!
i think hot chicks wearing explosives is my new turn-on.
Easter: Son of God nailed to some wood by the jews, americas best friends
Christmas: A day of 'celebration' used to validate backwards educational and social practices in many states
New Year's Day: A day when americans look back on the year gone by, knowing the future years will lead to a shittier country
Thanksgiving Day: Based on a famine
Martin Luther King Day: Some one got shot, so we have a party...
Presidents Day: A day to celebrate the fact a nation can be dominated by a single person
Memorial Day: A day to remember people who are dead, rather than celebrating the fact you are alive
Labor Day: A day to appease the deaths of workers at the hands of federal agents
Columbus Day: Celebrating the first Italian to come to America. Many more have arrived since bringing organised crime, Mary worship amd socialism / anarchism.
Veterans Day: A day to celebrate the american imperialist agenda
Independence Day: A sad day for america, when Britain just could not be arsed with it anymore.
Hahaha, wow someone needs to add more HAPPY days in there.
Even as a Brit, this made me pretty down. To be fair though, the religious holidays are celebrated (although not so obviously) by many Christian Nations, including the UK. We have November 5th which is quite awesome, but the meaning has now faded into the History books, and November 11th to remember the apparent armastice never to fight again (lol like that will ever happen). However I believe these memorials should look forward instead of back - not least when the generations sink into the History books as well. In fact one of my History modules at University was to look at memorials (war and other ones) to see whether they spur on the feelings of hatred towards those who killed the people mentioned on them, or whether they are a reminder to not commit such atrocities again. Nobody came to an agreement as it's impossible in a world where conflict is an everyday occurence on the News, and more memorials are being put up around the world each month.
I think 9/11 and Armastice day will change a hell of a lot once those affected die. Armastice day will change soon and probably be taken onboard by a mix of Socialist fags, Right Wing Veteran lovers and a Monarchy who will have even less power. As for 9/11, it will either become a sombre day to remember your great Grandfather who was killed, or an excuse to continue a war on an almost invincible ideology, bringing the future World into yet more conflict.
I hate to sound like a Hippy, but it's not hard to get along. Put aside money and the man in the sky and realise at the end of the day - we are all Humans. We all want the best for the world and it's a shame we let a minority get more airtime to sway our opinions to support them.
Just realized I have an entire folder dedicated to 9/11 pics and .gif's.
Can't find it, though.
Anyway, I was a lowly 5th grader when the shit went down. Saw it on tv before I left for school. When I got there, my classmates were chatting about it, as were those ahead of me and those younger who could understand it. The staff? Acted like it was just another day, not worthy of note. Fuckers.
Had some family near it, but none actually killed in any of it. Even if they had died, not sure I'd honestly give a shit. People die every day. Not one of 'em go "before their time." Some die doing something noble, others committing atrocities. Most of the people in the 9/11 attacks? Sitting, scared shitless, in a plane or their office. Then they hit a building or it fell down on 'em. Not that impressive. Thus, not worth me giving a rat's ass.
Ten years later, most of my classmates take the stance of the staff. Ten year war? Whatever. Some went off into the military to fight. The smartest few are sitting back, waiting for a real war to breakout at home. And goddamn, what a glorious time that will be.
Lets have a moment of silence for the US government & its capability to implement fear and need into american people everywhere ....................................
Those conspiracy theories have got me hooked now.
The collapse of the towers looked like a controlled demolition. Airplane fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel, which is what apparently caused the towers to collapse. Traces of thermite were found in the rubble... They claimed that it was from paint, or something.
Read them all, they're on the Wiki -
As for Thermite, jet fuel + steel = rust, add the fire to that and voila! Well that's what an engineer told me anyway.
And no, not the sort who erects dispensers
Who would've thought china could make better shit than the americans.
That picture is fucking hilarious.
damn... what a cutie!!!
i think hot chicks wearing explosives is my new turn-on.
That made me smile hahahahha.