I'm toying with the idea of using a combo of stuff to make myself pass out solid, unwakable for say, 3 hours. Say, 8mg of Xanax + 30mg of Zopicline + small glass of vodka. All right after each other. How soon would you black out, how 'deep' sleep would it be (ie; how hard to be woken up) and how long would you sleep for? Apparently they aren't 'dangerous' apart from the passing out. Just curious since I'm precribed all 3, but not in those doses of course ^_^
Ive never experienced them all three in a row but Im sure that would knock you out for atleast 3 hours if not more. Id stick to xanax and alcohol. With that dose of xanax and a few drinks you would be barred out for sure
This guys probably dead
Some other things: dreaming happens best during afternoon or a nappy tims of day,
Research calea zatatechi and other herbs n shit that supposedly make you dream if you haven't already.
Whenever I take and afternoon nap with a dip in I enter a very unique sleep state, like long ass hypnopompy