So. There's this guy I really hate for a number of reasons.
1. First and foremost, he took something I wanted.
2. He was unacceptably rude to me on one occasion (I have a huge problem with arrogance and rudeness).
3. I simply don't like people like him.
First I did the most obvious thing and looked in the phone book. Nothing. I don't know about where you guys are but here the phone book gets thinner and thinner each year. I can only assume it's because less people choose to be listed - we aren't. I did happened to know what neighbourhood he lives in from previous conversations with him. It's a very expensive area for rich douchebags who think the worst thing that can happen to them in life is being unable to keep up the payments on their Lexus. I had a good head start though. Some years ago I was on my way home from a mutual event when I saw him jogging along the road and going into a particular house. I always thought it was his house but I was wrong. Still - it was a good starting point.
I made a fake Facebook profile of some imaginary girl and added a bunch of his friends, but not him just yet. I put a lot of work into making the profile legit and then added him. Most guys probably won't automatically accept a friend request from other strange guys, but hot girls are another story. They usually accept that, no questions asked. Always thinking with the wrong head. Annoyingly though, he didn't. He asked me who I was and I told him I recognised his name from somewhere. He again replied saying that he doesn't know me, but mentioned that I seemed to know his neighbour (random friend of his I added) and gave the guys name. I told him that that was probably right and went on to ask him if <neighbourhood> was where he lived. He didn't reply, but it didn't matter as he'd already given me a piece of valuable information. Frustratingly, that guy wasn't in the phone book either but at least now I had double the clues to work from - if I can find his neighbour's address, I've found him.
Another piece of info was a photo of him (target, I mean) on his profile sitting looking out a window. I was pretty certain that it must be at his house from the way he was posing and taking self-portraits of himself. The problem was that the house I was sure was his didn't have windows like that. It seemed I'd reached a dead end, but I persisted in the hope that maybe I'll get lucky. I did. While browsing the friend's profile, I found an album of photos of his sister's 21st. According to the description it was at their home. While browsing through these, I found pictures of them all jamming outside. Jackpot. The house I thought was his, was theirs.
Back to this photo of him. The window had a view of these two tall trees (don't know what they're called). Now these trees are quite uncommon in this area and these two were particularly distinctive. The problem was, how close does someone have to be for them to be considered a neighbour? They don't necessarily have to back onto your house or even be in the same street. Everyone's definition will be different, but I took it to be no more than 300 metres from you. So, I loaded up Streetview and combed the entire neighbourhood within 300 metres of the friend's house for hours and hours until I finally found those trees. There were about eight houses with a clear view of them but only four have windows like the one in his picture. Unfortunately, Streetview goes in jumps and misses certain angles so the only way I can pinpoint the house for sure is to go there personally with a map and photo and do some recon. It's only 2km's from me. I'll be doing that tomorrow or Friday.
What if I still can't decide which it is (which may well be the case)? Then I'll have to resort to another method. Walk up to their house and when you're sure no one is looking, open their mail box and take it out. Quickly flip through it and look at the name it's addressed to. Bingo. You don't even need to put it back. Keep anything that looks important - it could contain valuable information. You need to time it well though. You need to make sure to get there after the mail has been delivered but before they get a chance to bring it in. The mail doesn't always come at the same time nor is there a guarentee that they'll recieve anything that day so this can take a few days.
I'd kick ass as a police detective. Too bad they wouldn't have me even if I wanted to. In the meantime, give me some ideas of what I could do to this guy once I find him. Something serious, but something that I can reasonably get away with so long as I'm careful.
Never. I have no idea what his routine is so I'd have nowhere to start.
As for looking up the owner, I was able to look up those houses today through the municipal deeds office and found the one with his surname. 99.9% sure it's him - thanks for the idea, was just the final touch I needed
Once you've got the address, take a look at the place using Google Maps.
No, it's a 9/10.
Also, why was this guy banned?
learn his routine and pick the right time to make your move.
make sure you take notes on who he lives with, when the neighbours are out and things like if he goes home for lunch etc..
MMoT was banned for 1 week for a violation of the rules. He is not a "major member, he has all of 140 posts half of which are shit.
Sorry to hear it bro.
But if it is you need to think if doing this is the right way to get that thing you want.
Or if you want the girl to mean you end up suffering serious consequences - even professionals can get tangled in their well laid plans.
Maybe im just not the romantic type but I wouldnt risk my own freedom for a female.
Although i can understand demanding satisfaction after exceptional rudeness - but for that I wouldnt hide in the shadows; Take some boxing classes and challenge him to a duel.
Thanks for the support - I thought the new totse was about quality and not quantity?
About 3 active days of posting was deleted along with my ban. I dont count the posts so i have no idea how many that would be - but in the kayaking thread my useful contribution disappeared.
I just call 'em as I see em in terms of the quality of your post in regard to what we are looking to be in this community. As to your outright lies about deleted posts I just spent 20 minutes looking through the moderated threads and found all 7 of your moderated posts. You see what you call deleted is actually moderated. Meaning that the post is still there but only viewable by staff members. It is done this way to remove useless garbage designed to create drama from polluting threads but still allowing the staff the luxury of of keeping track of problem users track history at a glance.
Below you will find all of your moderated posts.
As you can see there is no mention of a kayak in any of them. That is not to say that other shitty posts by you have not been moved out of the original threads and into NIMF.
I will bear no further discussion of this topic ITT thread so if you wish to respond to these truths I would suggest you either make a thread in HB, continue it via the private message system or join us in TeamSpeak and discuss it like a adult. Should you choose to ignore this advice and continue to attempt to derail this thread with more of your thinly veiled, butt hurt fueled drama I will take steps to stop it in a fashion which does not require your cooperation.
I dont know if the guy is older, bigger, semi pro cage fighter - but if you plan to use violence; use it in the right way.
The implications for stepping up in front of everyone and staunching this guy and challenging him to a fight are socially superior to hitting him when he doesnt even know its coming.
One situation has you sticking it to an asshole in a righteous and heroic way; the other is some guy getting attacked by scary dude for reasons people dont know about.
And then theres the tupac quote about having beef that cant be seen:
Yeah, obviously punishment isn't half as good unless they know what it's for. Unfortunately, it also leaves no doubt as to who carried it out. As for her, it's not entirely out of the question that she will get something as well. She lives only two houses down from me.
Please don't let this be like the ending to Romeo and Juliet..
I have some ideas. If you are at all possible to get in the house when nobody's home, take note of any and all security in case you want to come back. If he has wireless internet, look on the bottom of the router for the default access code / password. Or for a sticky note of what it is. I don't know what kind of lot is in the back of the place, but you may be able to get some shit that's shared on the network if you have a laptop. If you can get inside and nobody's home, rut around for his bathroom and see if there's anything interesting in the medicine cabinet. Note the names of prescription drugs. If he's got some sort of medical problem you may be able to get some clues. Plant weed in his room. Un-hide any weed / other drugs you find. If he's a teenager or 20-something has any opiates in the medicine cab, get rid of some. Nothing's more punishing than a lecture from Dr. Paine on why it's so very important to take as prescribed. "Hide" lots of empty beer bottles in the room, if he lives with parents they might thing he's an alcoholic or some shit. External cable boxes, power boxes etc. can be good for fucking with if you take safety measures. If you have a guarantee that he's out for some time, take the harddrive out of his computer and run a copy of it on yours. Might be some dirt there.
If you don't have a number to go by, you can attach a pair of alligator clips to a phone cord then night op his neighbourhood and tap into his phone line via the network interface pillar out on the street. You then call your local ANAC number to get the number. e.g, if I want to get my number here in NZ I can call 1956 and get an automated voice readout of my phone number. Google the local ANAC number and you can get their phone number.
I will write a guide on this later.