Don't remember if I've posted in this thread yet, but I want to put my hat in for mod. I have a very reliable internet connection, have the free time to do it, don't live with my parents (so I can smoke meth and mod for days on end if I choose), and am not planning on being the next meta/average zoklet mod.
I would like to apply for the moderator position of Moving Pictures, as I had studied Film Studies for a year and this has cultivated a major interest in my knowledge of films, from Hollywood to low-budget snuff flicks. I've also worked in a cinema in my town centre, and have the opportunity to watch an abundance of free movies, all at my own domain, and this allowed me to become the film buff I am today. I hope to help other users out if they request further viewing of cinema in foreign countries, or wish to watch low-key independant movies.
Furthermore, I would be happy to co-MOD in Bitch and Moan and wish to extend my services to this sub-forum.
Mother fucker, I've WORKED on film sets, written scripts into movies, been paid for them. Movies are my life aside from Biology!
If possible I would like to Co-mod "Weapons and Combat."
I've been on Totse since 03, I'm here every day. I spend five years in the Army as an active paratrooper. Handled all sorts of weapons both civilian and military, and have a passion for both. NRA member, and local compition shooter. Also, I'm a "liberal," so that brings a new view point to the table where most are die hard conservatives, not that it's political.
Why don't ya'll lay out a few weeks worth of great posts in the forums you care about, and then make your pitch. It's not like there won't be moderators who get thrown off the team for non-attendance, non-contribution and having no real class. I'll bet you half the mods who are on right now won't last a month or two. Invest now for your future.
Why don't ya'll lay out a few weeks worth of great posts in the forums you care about, and then make your pitch. It's not like there won't be moderators who get thrown off the team for non-attendance, non-contribution and having no real class. I'll bet you half the mods who are on right now won't last a month or two. Invest now for your future.
I bet despite how much they suck they remain moderator, causing us to have MANY MANY more mods per section than we need, causing us to become a policed site full of censorship and..... *breaths heavily for a moment* OH GOD! WE'RE BECOMING ZOKLET!!!
^^If this happens I'm going to get ten ounces of mushrooms, develop multiple personality syndrome, start my own website, and communicate only with my various selves.
What we need are moar reward systems...People will contribute more if properly motivated.
Ya, well, a The Sky is Falling In! mentality ain't gonna do shit squat. That shit is for kids. If you want something, and you really want to make it happen, you need to roll up your sleeves and do some real work... and that means coming up with some interesting shit to post in the threads. Stop talking the walk and walk the talk, and everything else will fall into place all on its lonesome.
Since I am selecting mods. I don't need this thread.
Go contribute and help users out. You will be selected based on what you have done. I will keep this thread for reference but you will get a PM from me if you perform well.
Here the moderation restriction btw:
A) Two sections per mod [MAX]. Each section will have two mods.
C) A mod can't have a whole section (example mod can't get Art and all the sub forums (I already fixed this problem).
D) Mods will be removed if they are inactive or don't deliver. I will have a list of backup mods in place if this happens.
E) Mods rotation will take place after some time and during that new mods will be picked and old mods will retire or promoted.
Mod rotation is essential since it prevent status quo. You're all users to me, we're all equal and no one should have any thoughts about being an elite. We're a community and if you're a mod it means you're responsible to contribute harder than others.
Fuck Yea.
I like guessing things.
Mother fucker, I've WORKED on film sets, written scripts into movies, been paid for them. Movies are my life aside from Biology!
Ask Unwyred, he'll vouch for me.
I hope
Was it a mano-y-mano type ??? were you playing the subservient guy ?
I've been on Totse since 03, I'm here every day. I spend five years in the Army as an active paratrooper. Handled all sorts of weapons both civilian and military, and have a passion for both. NRA member, and local compition shooter. Also, I'm a "liberal," so that brings a new view point to the table where most are die hard conservatives, not that it's political.
Anyway, yeah.
I bet despite how much they suck they remain moderator, causing us to have MANY MANY more mods per section than we need, causing us to become a policed site full of censorship and..... *breaths heavily for a moment* OH GOD! WE'RE BECOMING ZOKLET!!!
What we need are moar reward systems...People will contribute more if properly motivated.
C) Mod rotation system will be in place.
If you're absent and don't contribute someone will take your place. I will not tolerate mods who don't contribute.
So, yeah. If you want to stay a mod for longer period of time. You better bring it.
Also, mods will be reviewed constantly by me and 3 super mods.
Since I am selecting mods. I don't need this thread.
Go contribute and help users out. You will be selected based on what you have done. I will keep this thread for reference but you will get a PM from me if you perform well.
Here the moderation restriction btw:
A) Two sections per mod [MAX].
C) A mod can't have a whole section (example mod can't get Art and all the sub forums (I already fixed this problem).
D) Mods will be removed if they are inactive or don't deliver. I will have a list of backup mods in place if this happens.
E) Mods rotation will take place after some time and during that new mods will be picked and old mods will retire or promoted.
Mod rotation is essential since it prevent status quo. You're all users to me, we're all equal and no one should have any thoughts about being an elite. We're a community and if you're a mod it means you're responsible to contribute harder than others.
Keep that in mind.
Your mod positions are as of now, on review. If you don't contribute and post. Don't expect to be mod for long.