2010: Texas City chemical leak
Two weeks prior to the Deepwater Horizon explosion BP admitted that malfunctioning equipment lead to the release of over 530,000 lbs of chemicals into the air of Texas City and surrounding areas from April 6 to May 16. The leak included 17,000 pounds of benzene (a known carcinogen), 37,000 pounds of nitrogen oxides (which contributes to respiratory problems), and 186,000 pounds of carbon monoxide.[69][70]
Look, even before they were fucking over the world's oceans, BP was poisoning the air around Texas City and getting away with it scot free. What the fuck is up with these dudes, anybody think they're reptilians or something like that? How can they get away with repeatedly damaging the ecosystems humans inhabit, if it's allowed to continue much longer we might not be able to even bear living in the changed environment. Every time I look on CNN they look like they're laughing at me, licking their lips and thinking about taking a swim in all that lovely oil soaked water to preserve their scales or something. Yeah
Exactly, just like how the bush administration was turned into fodder for late night jokes and dramatic news chatter for daytime news, insted of people looking at the situation seriously it gets spun into a dramatic distraction.
Would I have spent 1-2 hours reading about Reptilian origin and bloodlines if I didn't believe in em. Mothafucker this is a Conspiracy! not some circle jerk about ethics.
Oh wait they got away basically scot free even though one of them were doing the work when the incident happened.
Sounds like a inside job.