Next Time Say Something

Taken from /r/TIFU

This happened yesterday, so if you're out there bus girl, I want you to know. It's not what you think.

Yesterday after working a grueling shift at the old internet mines (I'm a network engineer). I got on the bus to go home just like always. Ahead of me in line is a young woman who is looking very pretty, she has red hair and a nice polka-dot blouse. I don't think much of it, but we end up sitting across from each other on the bus. I'm reading something that was on the front page but get the urge to look up and see her face. I had only seen the back of her head before. I glance up and to my delight, she is very pretty! Horray! I have seen one more pretty girl in the world than I did before.

Except mid-glance she looks up at me. I realize I'm probably slack-jawed and not really paying attention. I look down. I don't really know why, I don't have a problem talking to girls. I have a long time girlfriend and I don't talk to very many women these days.

I'm feeling a bit sheepish and awkward, so I glance up again for some reason. A second after I do - she looks up at me and catches me starring at her, or at least she thinks I'm starring at her. She screws up her face a little bit. I'm not even that ugly, oh well. Twice in a row I've been caught slipping.

None of this matters because the mid-way stop at the park-and-ride is coming up, and usually everyone gets off the bus here. She stands up as the bus stops and I breath in relief. I also stand up in search of a more comfortable seat (The bench seats that face each-other kind of suck). So I'm waiting for people to clear out, and people are getting off the bus. But on today of all days MUCH more people are getting on the bus, much more than usually. Must be a football game tonight or something.

She isn't getting off the bus. She sits by the window in a regular seat. I look around - all of the other seats are being filled quickly. I walk to the back of the bus, nothing. I look around, there is nothing. The universe's cruel game of musical chairs is playing "Creep" by Radiohead. I sit down next to her. She looks at me like a deer in the headlights and I think she is actually afraid.

Flash forward 10 minutes and I've moved seats as we are the only two people left on the bus. She is looking over at me regularly, probably making sure I'm not furiously masturbating or something.

Last stop. My stop. Her stop. Our stop.

We get off the bus, she goes first and stars walking in my house's direction. We slowly walk together, for a few blocks, she keeps checking over her shoulder. She finally turns down a side-street and I think maybe I can relax now. I turn down my street. I breath a sigh of relief, finally the coast is clear and I don't feel like I'm stalking anyone.

Then she appears, she clearly took a fake-turn to get away from me, and I met up with her on my road.

She starts running up the steps to MY building and I'm freaking the fuck out like what is happening, am I actually stalking this girl? I keep walking towards my building, I just want to go home.

She turns and yells at me from the stairs "Stop fucking following me fucking creep"

This is how I met my new neighbor.

I mean holy shit bro, that was awkward.


  • SlartibartfastSlartibartfast Global Moderator -__-
    so, next morning when we were both waiting at the bus stop i explained to her what had happened.

    She found it hysterical and we fucked. The end.

  • so, next morning when we were both waiting at the bus stop i explained to her what had happened.

    She found it hysterical and we fucked. The end.

    but the guy had a GF already otherwise it's a great opening.
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