Lets review what happened in 2016. But here is the trick, you can quote stuff from your own memory and not Google things and it should include your own personal milestones.
A lot of people died, none of them were close to me, in my family side, few did pass away but I have no idea who they were.
On the celebrity side, honestly I don't care. I did care on FB but in all honesty, no fucks given.
Get a long term steady gf for once, so relationship got a big overhaul from recent years, but it's still rocky sometimes.
Got Christmas presents which is nice, however, didn't give out any, just for two people who gifted me
. Fuck the others.
A lot of deaths, mostly plane crashes, one in Pakistan, one in Russia.
Oh Trump got elected, Liberal tears where everyone.
What else, hmm. Oh yeah, did 1093.6KM of travel on my Motorcycle, it was my Christmas Vacation, the beach and mountains. Drove for 33 hours but worth it.
And that's for it for now.
Pics or it didn't happen!