I was having in in depth talk to a mate one night and then came up the subject of life. He stated that he didn't want to live past the age of 35, and he was serious about it. This shocked me to tell the truth. Why the fuck wouldn't he want to live past 35? Anyone else like this?
If not, you should just stick a rusty spoon into her urethra.
or something
I doubt I'll live past 50. If I do, whatever, but I don't have my hopes up.
Yeah, of course. Death = popularity and Heath Ledger fame.
Your dumb friend just doesn't see the benefits in life after he is able to destroy his body to no end. Its sad really.
Wow, this is really difficult, I can't think of anyone that an aging population would be a problem for. An aging population who can't work, receives a pension... can't breed more little worker bees...
Youth worship leads to at least two things that I see as beneficial to those who manipulate regimes of power: spoiling children and turning them into materialistic pieces of shit, and people not wanting to get old.
Now it may turn out that I'm full of shit, and I'll put my tinfoil hat back on and go back to listening to static in the garage trying to pick up alien signals, but I think it's an awfully convenient attitude for the people who run the show.
35 is pretty young though. That's when you should finally be settled into a career and making lots of money. Most people in their 30s are still healthy. Now, once you hit about 70 I can see why you'd want to check out. At that point you're just a few years away from diapers and a nursing home.