I'm watching Terminator: Salvation again, and I'd like to hear some thoughts on the series as a whole. I thought Terminator 2 was the best, if not one of the best movies ever made, and that the rest were just decent compared to it. Despite the fact that the entire franchise had plot holes from hell, Ahnuld is still one of the baddest motherfuckers around.
Thoughts: go!
In the third movie, Arnie tells John Connor the date of his date, and how he's going to kill him (infiltrating the Resistance command). If John had the precognitive knowledge now, couldn't he avert his own death?
T1: Ok, pretty shit
T3: This is a joke right?
T4: Better than 3, nowhere near as good as 2, passable
T2: Great movie absolutely loved it.
T3: It was alright but a lotta part like the ending I was just like what the fucking shit is this.
T4: I really think that they could have done better. The acting line up was some pretty good choices but I really think there could have been a better direction taken. Oh and dont forget about the arnold, ahh what ever the fuck that was. It was a 5 minute part I dont know why they didnt get him in on it. He is playing a small role in Expendables so obviously he is not to busy.
T2 is one of those rare gems of science fiction where almost everyone who watches it will enjoy it, even if you start of with some really negative attitudes towards the genre. Not even sci fi greats like Star Wars can do that
Different paradox apparently, Im talking about John Connor Being born.
In the future John sends Back Kyle Reese back in tim to be his father, But if he didnt have a father before then, then how was he alive to meet his father and send him back.
I can sort of understand your paradox as just being cyclical time.