I told her this story about how this guy asked me my religion, and I hesitated. She asked what he said. I said he said he was Christian, and then she said, "And you told him you were Christian too right?" pause "You are Roman Catholic"
I said "Ummm"
"you believe in Jesus Christ right?"
"So you're an atheist?"
"when did this happen?"
"it didn't happen all at once, it was a long time coming"
"oh ok"
I never thought of my parents as being really religious, but apparently they are to some degree. I cant get off my mind why my mom paused like that, it seemed as though she was disappointed. After looking back on why, I think my mom believes that I am going to go to hell.
I am not someone who does not like going to church so I say "hey ill be an atheist, I can sleep late on sunday"
I am atheist for the logical reasons. I am a materialist. Right now I have no evidence of any god, should I be presented with evidence, I will change my views. I have not had an experience with god. A failure to explain real world events that are unexplainable should not be substituted with "god does it in his mysterious ways"
Im an atheist for logical reasons. Like I said I was raised Roman Catholic. The Pope (lol real pope) does not want the use of condoms at all. So the people in africa who spread aids should all die, and we should have more babies in america as a result of it. Pedophillia should be excused just because it can be, and so that they look like they know what they are doing. If this guys the word of God, then frankly, I wouldnt want to believe in a God who believes that.
I was watching Religilous the other day, and my dad saw me watching it. We got to the part where the Mexican guy thinks he is the messiah, then he started talking about how easily people are led in to silly beliefs. I kind of just chuckled and nodded my head.
I'm actually starting to return to church again... Not because of the religious aspects, though. I just like the moral grounding. It's a good moral guideline, reminding yourself to be a good person or whatnot. I know I don't need church for that, but I'm not going to take initiative otherwise.
its not wether u chose 2 belive him its wether u think hes reel or not. u cant just deside that u belive in somthing or not cus then u wood just b lying 2 urself about a lot of things like u chose 2 belive that the moon doesnt exist. also not 2 mentshin u said u woodnt want 2 belive in a god who belives like that? u wood trade going 2 hevin 4 eternity 4 going 2 hell 4 eternity just becus u dont agree with the polisys?? :o:o:o:o
EDIT: Wearing a shirt that says "Pray to a god that never reaches down from the sky" on the back of it when I'm around my family doesn't help much either.
Can't be put any better than this.
So for thousands of years nobody grew up apparently.
I heard being atheist is cool this year, you know, with the whole 2012 BS hype.
Pretty much this.
Most atheists Ive met have no logical reason for being one. Some actually have intelligent reasons but most of the time it's like with satanists they think it's cool and rebellious.
I've never met a christian who had any logical reasons for why they believe what they do except "the bible said so." That's not a good reason. It's that or "omg shit is soooo complicated! The fuckin universe. How does it work??"
I'm an atheist, well more of an agnostic, because there is no proof of anything. The universe is how it is. Great. Why is some creator necessary? That's the real question. There's no reason to believe in one, and there's certainly no reason to believe in christianity. The only even remotely logical religion is Deism. A creator made everything and then that was it. Makes sense, but why does there have to be a creator? Things are as they are, and that's it.
That is easier to believe than the shit spouted by some moron who claims on one hand to believe in the message of love that Jesus allegedly taught but on the other hand spews messages of hatred from some faggot who used to dress up in white sheets.
Sanchez has no business being a mod until he drops his obvious fail troll bullshit.
Prove he doesn't exist. The burden of proof is on the atheist since there the ones going against what the entire world has believed since the beginning of time. What about all the eye witnesses of the miracles Jesus performed? What about near death experience's. Also if Deism makes sense why wouldn't Christianity or other religions? Evolution has proven itself to be a flawed theory. The existence of God is so obvious that Atheism is the belief that makes no sense. I think it takes more faith to an Atheist than to believe in God. Notice how our planet was made with the absolute perfect conditions to sustain life of all forms. Simply look to the balance of the world and that's proof right there.
There are only 2 possible ways we exist. Either we were created or everything was is the result of an accidental big bang. Who put the Big Bang in motion you think? You really believe that a random series of events caused us to and this planet to come about in all its complexity and brilliance. Ever notice to how when an atheist is faced with death they suddenly want God's help. God doesn't need me to prove his existence because there truly are signs for those who want to know. What separates us from animals if theirs no god. Why do we have senses of remorse or guilt or shame that no other creature possesses? How do you explain Miracles or Demonic possession or ghosts? God is in us and all around us if you only open your eyes you will see. If you only listen you will here.
The universe isn't under any obligation to make sense or to have any sort or order and jumping to god to explain what you don't get makes you seem silly.
Why are you so butthurt because I disagree with your world view?:facepalm:
You are just a fucking troll....
The burden of proof is on the guy who makes claims that his belief system is the only one that is correct.
And Atheists dont make that same claim?:rolleyes: Atheists are the ones who go against what over 90% of the population believes. Im not even saying everyone should agree with my version of God but I think saying there's none whatsoever is hard to prove. Also what's with people who scream troll whenever someone disagrees with them? This is a thread about him being an Atheist therefore religion is part of the thread.
I agree with this... Most people with religious beliefs (including myself, when I was one) only believe in it simply because they were taught that it was true, and really didn't question it because, well, it's been ingrained in their head. There are a few sharp ones out there that pick it up early, but I didn't.
When I was in church, even as a kid, something just...didn't feel right. I'm not going to call it a "logical" reason, but people with their hands in the air praising someone they've never even met, it just seemed kind of silly.
When my parents starting demanding that I go to church, instead of just asking me, even more questions arose. Why should a religion with a loving God be so dogmatic? Why should we have to tithe, even in times of financial trouble? Why would somebody have to be baptized to be accepted in to the church? Why is it essential that we do all of these things?
It came to my mind that all of these people were just doing so because they'd seen others do it, and that, since the beginning, they had thought that it was right without question. Why, among the countless deities throughout the thousands of years of humanity, would only your God be right?
I don't think it was the "God" factor that weighed my decision to fall out of religion, just the "people" factor.
Ok, but surely you questioned it at least once?
Don't get me wrong, you don't HAVE to be the angsty teenager who disagrees with your parents, but at least make an informed choice.
Now that is funny, how can you disagree with my "world view" when you don't know how I view anything other than the smirking amusement I view you with. No you see SquirtySnatches it is you who are butthurt while I am merely entertaining myself at your expense JR.
So where do you pull these figures from there kid? From the same filth infested hole that your stinkbugs are crawling out of? 90% of the Earth's population does not agree on anything you pathetic excuse for living tissue. There is a more realistic set of numbers for you kid. (from http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0904108.html)
Or if the words are to complicated for you to wrap your head around here it is in a pretty picture for your feeble little mind.
I know you find it hard to conceive that not everyone "thinks" the way you do. But the sad truth is that Christians are not a majority. So take your bible and thump it up your white trailer trash ass Bubba.
And um... you can go to hell moron. If you were a born again moron you would not come within 100 miles of a site like this. Nice fail troll though...
Its more of thinking for yourself and not just believing what your parents believe because they told you that you should.
Well when religion ruled the world, they called it the Dark Ages. So, yes.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say you have to go to church every Sunday. I never go to church. All thats required is believing in God and accepting Christ as the Saviour. All those rules like going to church were invented by man. Jesus himself said the sabbath is to benefit man not God.
I didnt say they were all Christians:facepalm: Your chart proves that nearly 90% of people believe in a God of some kind.
I don't know about the Bible, but the priest sat me down before I was confirmed and asked me why he hardly saw me at Church on Sunday. Then he proceeded to lecture me about hell. If a priest thinks that way, it's hard not to project the same to god.
Rolf chuckles, for the religion of Rolf is Rolfism, Rolf is already back at Rolfism, for Rolf is the only Rolf, all pretenders are not Rolf, Rolf is brilliance, therefore Rolf is inside all of you, yet none of you are Rolf.
I dont believe there is a god. I've read the bible to some extend, did my share of research and had sessions of personal philosophy and I came to the conclusion that god (at least as the bible and religion describes him) is quiet impossible.
However I dont believe it was all just a random series of accidents like most "atheists" will say. Science isn't a bunch of random accidents, there is logic and reason behind it. Its not logic we have invented but logic that already existed that we are trying to understand, which is proof in itself that there is indeed an intelligence to the universe. I do not believe there is some man in the sky pulling the strings though, I consider it to be closer to an omnipotent rule book guiding things along, if you can understand my meaning.
When asked to choose between science and religion I choose science. Because science is at least modest enough to accept we do not know the answers. I find both Atheists and Christians to be arrogant in the assumption that they do have all the answers.
Why do you keep searching for the agent who caused things to happen? We have no proof of an intelligent designer. Things are as they are. Even if there were a divine creator, humans aren't smart enough to understand pretty much everything out there, so it's unlikely we'd ever find one. I don't get why you find it so difficult to understand this or why you can't see why a creator is not necessary.
The bible is a collection of books written by men a long ass time ago. If people in 3000 years find some nerd's collection of spiderman comics and are able to translate them they might think that a spiderman actually existed. People believe stupid shit.
There are way too many arguments going on in this thread for me to respond to and I don't want to pull a Rust and write a wall-o-text response, so this is it for now.
I can agree with several things here. There being a force behind the universe is right on the ball with me. Like I said the universe isn't just a big ball of randomness, there's logic and order behind it which proves some form of higher intelligence exists. Now, when the word God is used is when most religious ideals loose me. Because giving that intelligence a name humanizes it, which gives it human traits like personality, agenda, a sense of where, and being a physical being.
Something else I've considered is that the intelligence is the universe itself, and I guess that would mean the universe is some kind of omnipotent being itself. If that's the case then everything including the planets, the stars, and the people living on this planet are all a part of this bigger picture you could call God, therefore God (or the omnipotent intelligence) isn't some separate thing from humanity. To clarify, God isn't a deity but he is order and its an order we all contribute to because we are a part of it.
It's basically Deism isnt it? Kind of.