I'm going to have a lot of free time over this summer and aside from getting loaded all the time and exercising I'm pretty keen to get back into altered states. I've had success in the past with mixing drugs with sensory deprivation, forms of meditation and breathing exercises but I have never had a complete lucid dream. The few techniques I know of are:
- Lighting - Throughout your day, whenever entering/exiting a room, flick the lights on/off. This will translate to your dreams, the habit of flicking the switch, however your brain has difficulty replicating the visual experience of seeing the light change. You should recognize a dream state at this point and become lucid?
- Observing detail - I've read that observing your hands for 20+ minutes prior to sleep works well. Memorising every detail, if you see your hands in sleep you will realize your intent of recognizing the dream.
- Digital Display - Supposedly your brain is unable to replicate digital clocks and displays?
- Some other bullshit about cycling your sleep and forcing yourself to wake up. I also read that dream journals are hugely important for remembering, although I've never used one..
anybody got any good techniques that have worked for them ?