Time to make this place even more like the home that Totse knew.
For those who don't know a Totse member collage is where you post your pictures in the thread. I will then compile them and make it into a collage!

Deadline in a week.
[I will contribute but don't expect any facial shots(cum shots)]
I'm in
I get that a lot, usually kids with hair like mine are complete faggots, but I'm hella chill :cool:
I pictured spazz being a fat guy for some reason
Im not fat
I saved the original pic.
And here's me. It's pretty much exactly what I look like.
Shoop away
And yes that headband is from Naruto.
Not to deny that I'm somewhat pale the lighting does make me look even more so than I actually am. I quite like paleness, it is an ideal for me in appearance, though I am in the minority here.
:hai: ahahahahahahahaha
I hate to point this out, Spazz, but you have what looks to be unkempt pubes growing on your chin.
Apparently they do lol. Everytime there's a fight in Vegas or elsewhere it's always sponsored by that shit.
Yeah seriously what the fuck spazz? Salt?
I can understand lime but salt just seems wrong.
Anyway I drink just plain beer most of the time so it doesn't really matter
Here's a penguin for your troubles.
Why don't you keep it open till the end of the year...as new members join...I may grow a pair...who knows..
On a side note, is anything cached from the last BBS from back in the day? I would die for another chance to read the BunnyMeatBall saga again!
You look like Kiko from Chavo del Ocho.
Plus I have to do a bunch of fucking cutting, pasting, resizing. Oh god...
Another week or two I suppose.
Dont let his light skin fool you. He's still half chocklated :mad:
I remember you from totse. Even though you are a product of race treason and don't have a soul its ok but your not white. We at totse follow the one drop rule nigger.
pink and blue,