Herp Derp.
I hate this meme because it's addictive and I can't stop using it. I just want to paste Herp Derp all over this fucking place. According to UD it's used when someone says something obvious but this fucking Herp Derp is so odd and lulzy that it can be used anywhere.
According to sources it's a mutation of Derp or DERRPP. It's also used as Herp De Derp. But the most common is derp or herp derp. It's also featured on different shows ad DERP, mainly futurama.
Anyway, finding it hard not to use this meme.
Herp Derp is the new Durr.
Holy shit. That picture literally made me cackle like a maniac. Sweet god that is funny.
I must be going soft cause I smiled then felt fucking evil...
Is there a bigger version somewhere? I wanna hang it up on one of my walls somewhere. I'm not allowed to decorate apartment
Also, don't get me started on that bastard kid. I had that jacket for two years before fucking twilight ever existed, now people are all "wow, that's cool where did you get the twilight jacket"
Fucking I hate this shit. Some faggot always has to ruin things that are good. Like 'ZOMG YOU HAVE JUSTIN BIEBER HAIR' :facepalm:
Twilight destroys anything it touches. It's even killed people Ill have to find the article but it had some 23 year old guy who died an unexplained death while watching it.
Bitches love my hair. It looks a lot like Shawns from Psych. Slightly shorter, but you get the gist. It's naturally like that, it won't lay flat haha.
In highschool I had long hair, almost to my shoulders, and to wiminz/girls loved it. I have amazing hair, I just hope I don't go bald in the next few years like my grandpa did at my age.
lol Derp Derp
Aids McFades?....
Oh wait, no it doesn't.
I know exactly what you are talking about newbie. Those people are annoying as fuck. But at least they try. All you gotta do with most of those silly ass motherfuckers is bring them along on a few events, and chill with them. Comment on how memes are not cool in real life, and they'll grow out of it.
System check...ok
Begin ini..
Search; derp. also derpa de derp. Cite relevance. active ai. skew level (C/O), scale results for public consumption.
Derp; v. To anally penetrate a small rodent. Usage; Qv. Alan Greenspan "I am going to DERP this country like a tiny, tiny hamster". Also; v. To engage in politics for the sole purpose of having people comment on your hair. Usage; Qv. Sonny Bono "Dammit Cher, if I am going to DERP we have to stay in the country, those french surrender monkeys can spot a rug a mile away"
derpa de derp; to engage in both these behaviors at once, I.E. former Canadian prime minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau
"someday I really must learn how to use MS paint"
... Uh well I had one connected to my face as squad leader, and platoon leader while educating the new LT.
I'll just use code name from a show as I can get a dis-honerable for disclosing our own unit call name/units/hq call signs..
Hit man actual. hitman 1 this is hitman actual: do you read a copy
Hit man 1: This is hitman 1, you have a go ahead.
Hit man actual: What is your status.
Hit man 1: we are pinned down at location XXXXXX, air support requested.
Hit man actual: Stand by
Hit Man actual: Requested at location XXXX
Hit Man actual: Confirm Location.
HIt Man 1: Acknowledged, sir. Let it rain.
HIt Man actual: Dig in, the storm, is on- the t-minus 10 actual.
Hit man 1: Acknowledged. Over and out.
That is pretty much how those conversations went. The only reason for "Hitman" is for unit specification. As I mentioned, it was not our unit code name, but it was a generalization. I think we have a 10 year stipulation on our code names/actions.
It was a generalization however, that's how I called in fire support within my unit. That much is general information.
Fire support is something I hate to use, although twice it probably saved myself and my entire squad. One time it was a rookie Navy Pilot(intense with the night carrier landings, I have mad respect), and an another time was a Swiss or Finn female pilot still not sure on the nationality, but it was a beautiful girl that laid down a spray of 30cal cannons and 4 hellfires.
I want that girl
Guess I have to get my RPG ready for her. I am gonna shot her down and make her my wife. Muhahahaha.
Not really but a guy can dream, can't he.
I lol'd.
I know the koreans have at least one hot female pilot.