"The-Militia is a criminal information based website originated as the Totse-Militia back in 2006. It hosts various guides and information created by Totse and tM members."
It was created by me and a Totse member named Danzig during the
Bill Keller raids. (Danzig later discontinued association with tM because of personal problems.)
It is a closely knit BI community where plenty of intelligent beings can share their knowledge on fringe activity's.
Guides, Threads from tM
(If anyone is wondering why I am plugging this, I have already got permission to do so because I plugged Totse on tM. This should later be pinned.)
OP, will add more threads and guides from t-M. We're working on bridging the gaps between different Totse communities and accepting them and helping them out in any way possible. tM is the first step and after that hopefully we will link T2,TDD and &Z together and bring BI to its former glory.
We have too many people who sign up and never come back or just leech information, we need more people to contribute and be active in the raids to survive. If this does not happen tM won't get any new shit.
I will have to talk to Cry0 for that cause it is acting weird.
I mean I can link to any of them, as far as putting them on &T the person would have to ask the author.
I know you are plugging the guides you posted on tM.
Numberjumbo was and IS a FAGGOT, so is that Canuck, I don't even remember his name.
Is one of the things I plugged this for. We need a shitload more activity, it used to be that way.
Oh and...
Fuck you.
Go back to Mexico.
Please don't pollute another forum with that bullshit. Post high quality posts about shit you know about. The amount of traffic and posts doesn't matter. I just hate you.
On point: I'm really glad we are building this bridge, I've been askin a few tM members that I've run into over here what tM is up to and that we should work together.
The-Militia is fucking great, I worked with those dudes for about a year. Great people, amazing information, amazing threads, fun as fuck raids, it was a great time. When I was there it was a really tight-nit community, you will feel right at home. People of BI, hit this place up, you will learn a shitload.
:facepalm: Here comes the butthurt again. You fail to notice the sarcasm indicated by the ':o' due to your hatred of me. Although I hate you as well, it does not hinder my ability to see that everything you post, even supposedly 'constructive' ones, is forced out of your butthurt butthole.
It's down for good, not sure if there is going to be another forum or not. I assume that there won't be.
Awesome. What's up Cry0
That's good to hear. There was far too much information on tM for it to just disappear.
Probably both
Seriously though, he probably couldn't be bothered to pay since hardly anyone uses the place.
Good memories.
Plus, I miss it
I'm going to talk to Hellz about it the next time I see him on. I don't think we're getting an active forum replacement to tM anytime soon though, this thread can be un-stickied for now.
What about all the content we had on tM? Please tell me there were backups...
One is Fully Wiping a hard drive, written by Cry0.
That's easy.
If anyone has them Numberjumbo does ask him. Go ahead and post them we were all for the spread of information on tM.
He can be reached sometimes on his MSN which I think you have. Otherwise....I have him on facebook lol. We aren't restoring the board any time soon. We need to create a community first, then create a board when we have a ton of people with us. That's how tM originally started. This community will likely meet on skype.
Because tM is down... Read the rest of this thread.
We are on forumotion.com, it's free and has all the features that our old forums had and more.
We have a chatbox now, so we have no reason to need to use anything else for chat.
We have phpBB2.
No content at all as of yet, I am waiting for people to get their shit together and start posting guides, I guess I will do it myself soon.
There will be vendors galore, a rapid response raid team, (which will be a paid service, not free.) regular raid forum and the trusted section from before. Also I will have meet-ups as an option in the Trusted Militants forum.
Any other ideas are appreciated.
Other than that I would not want to push it any further because the nature of the forum. We need people who we can trust.