Since we can assume that some/most of &T, what's your job?
Are there any
tips/tricks that you've learned from your job?
For example, I'm a cashier for a grocery store (two years experience), and I can tell you that if you're using the self-checkout, you should ring up every piece of produce as bananas (PLU: 4011). They're one of the cheapest items per pound, so you're not paying up the ass for cherries or strawberries.
When taxing a plane, [if you get to do it] you can find a shit ton of food in the galley. Ranging from boxes of chocolate, to ice cream cakes, they all get disposed of when the plane reaches the hanger. As for jewelery, the occasional bracelet is pretty common. You can take the stuff home, no one even bothers to stop you.
Computer repait guys will always perv on your photo collection. They have a contract to find out the problem, and more than likely they will use that "right" to it's full potential...well at least I did, anyway.
People shit themselves when they die.
Ukrainians keep burning their own crops and slaughtering their animals.
If you study in chunks of 30-45 min. with a 10-15 min. break in between, you retain the information much better than studying in large blocks of time equal to an hour or more.
Resident Assistant (RA).
Every College kid drinks at least once. Just bust the fuckers you don't like/don't know because eventually you will catch them all drinking.
Newspaper writer.
When describing a location don't just use adjectives that appeal to the sense of sight, appeal to the senses of smell and sound. This is an easy yet overlooked way to connect with readers.
Always let people vent first, then you can manipulate them or lie to them at your discression.
Yes, when fixing computers and shit we ALWAYS look at other people's pics, especially if it's a girl's PC. So, hide that shit well if you don't want to get anything compromised.
"The client is always right" philosophy is bullshit. If you learn to tell people it's their problem or they are fucking up, do it in a polite and subtle way, but only if it's really their mistake.
What if they just took a poop before death? Do they crap their intestines out?
Learned form experience.
And making themselves disappear.
I lol'd
Those big dumpsters behind any major store. Those things are a fucking gold mine. You can find a bunch of useless junk in there that can keep you entertained.
Also, any new store just being built will have lots of excess scrap metal. Come by the back of the store with a pickup truck and load up.
And remember. Always get to know the LP (loss prevention). They are your best friends or your worst enemies.
Don't listen to the service writer when he tells you that you need spark plugs at 30,000 miles.Most of those guys work on commission only,they are out to fuck you anyway they can.
but right now I am working in a machine shop. the best advice I can give is watch your fingers:o
If there are kids working, you can pretty much alter your sandwich however the fuck you want, they probably won't care. IE: Order a turkey and cheddar, but ask if they can use ranch instead of mayo, and Swiss cheese instead of cheddar. You've just made yourself a turkey ranch and Swiss, which costs more money on the menu.
Bouncer: This should come without saying, but if you're using a fake ID have all the information memorized and ready to spit out at any time. And not just in sequential order, that's one of the things we do is randomize it to throw people off. Zip code was my favorite. It's at the end of the sequence, so people have to run through the whole address in their head to get to it. If you have to stop and think about what your zip code is then it's clearly not your zip code.
Obviously, don't be nervous. Girls are the worst at this. Playing with their hair, playing with jewelry, etc. Good bouncers are observant and can read people like a book. Don't come up pretending to be on your cell phone, don't turn around and chat with your friends while he's looking at it. Just walk up, hand over the ID, if he glances at you look him in the eyes and smile.
Also it would help to ask around and find out which bars are the most lax on carding, and which bars confiscate IDs and which just turn you away. Especially if you have an expensive ass ID. I had kids offer me 60 bucks for it back because it was going to cost them in the hundreds to get a new one. I was a dick though, my boss got a hard on every time we took an ID and made a big deal out of it. Plus we got a $20 bounty for each ID we brought in. My record was 5 in one night... $100 bonus chea son. :cool:
I hear piegirl works at mcdonalds, but she can jizz in my burger any day.:o
You wish you work in McDonalds.
This too
Most likely not, unless you have trouble trying to ring it up. Even if they called you out, play dumb and say you pressed the wrong button.
Organic food isn't that good.
me too. its all about someone else making the food for you. i can make something like gourmet mac and cheese for my guests or friends. its better than anything out of the box. but if someone makes me mac and cheese from the box, it will taste better than something i make from scratch. i hope that made sense.
with her butt. amiright?
im a student and mentor at my university. im the worst person to be a mentor. i have a drinking problem, i smoke lots of weed, and my gpa isnt all that stellar. idk how i got the job. networking does alot i guess
Dont get the garlic aoli sauce, or anything with seafood.
Just dont.
I get ya. If I make a sandwich, It tastes nowhere near as good as if I had someone else make the sandwich for me using the same ingredients.
errr, dunno. i'm stupid
Why is that?
Actually, I know a Buffalo Wild Wings employee that says to never get the Garlic Parmesan wings.
opt out! it will be harder to get overdraft fees this way.
online savings accounts get the best interest
don't ask for $100 bills if you're getting $20. we hear this over 9000 times and it's not funny anymore
Now tell us how to rob a bank
I've never intentionally done anything gross to food, but accidents happen, and I have no compulsion to fix something I doubt the greedy customers to notice.
I have bled in food at every job I've worked for. Not on purpose, I'm just accident prone (this is probably because I show up to work drunk).
Worst time I did it, I sprayed blood all over some dough and rolling equipment after nearly taking off my finger. I wrapped some surgical tape over it, and went back to my station.
When I saw the horrible mess I made, I was like "Fuck if I'm going to throw away two hours worth of work..."
Cleaned the walls, and rolled the blood in. :cool:
I actually completed one of my two internships as a civil engineer and trust me anyone can do that job. All you need is a hard hat, a pen to tick pre-made generic forms and the phrase "she'll be right".
It turns out foreman and labourers do all the real engineering. A CE is really just a secretary.
I also poured coffee into mangy-ass cups with bleach and soap still in the bottom from the kitchens.
The only consequence I can see from drinking that would be diarrhea--in which case, they probably wouldn't blame the coffee. :cool:
Funnily enough, the person who I served it to didn't show up for the rest of the weekend...
I'm now very good at convincing sales people to give me what I want - ie I'm good at getting free food in takeaway places, cheap deals on my sky tv, knock down rates from joiners etc
A good thing to do with sales people is to always threaten to leave and quote cheaper (fictional sometimes) prices from their competitors. They DO NOT want to be the person to lose an account. Also, never EVER EVER EVER buy and ready meal with fish in it. You wouldn't believe what is in there, you really wouldn't. Some of the pictures of rejected stuff I have been sent, I would fear feeding it to my dog.
Oh yeah, and Organic - no difference what so ever, in fact it's often crappier because they can't use certain products to make it better quality.
If you have your own business: Put ever bill you possibly can through the business, keep receipt, that way you get alllll the tax back.
Yea and if your weed smells like oranges its not cause its orange kush. its cause i put an orange peel in the bag to increase the weight.
I am a stoner and I suggest if you wanna get into this field that you start early or you're gonna look like a twat next to more experienced tokers.