When you said you can't buy online, I assumed that you meant you couldn't FIND them online Perhaps you could look online for one, and wire some money to a trusted totsean who would complete the payment for you and use your address as the destination.
First of all, VGA is a video signal RCA is an audio one. You mean composite.
S-video is shit, composite is even shittier. You can buy VGA to composite/s-video cables cheaply, but they only work if you have a special video card that supports that as an output. So unless you want to drop $80 on a converter your SOL.
You can also buy VGA to component cables, but once again they only work if you have a special video card. Y? VGA is a RGB video signal, component is Y / Pr / Pb. Different technologies.
VGA = HDMI electrically; just a different connector. In fact if you have an xbox without HDMI output you can buy a VGA cable for it for about $15, then use a $2 VGA to HDMI converter.
I thought you came through for me when I saw you posted. :hai:
Is there such thing as a trustworthy Totsean?
S-video is shit, composite is even shittier. You can buy VGA to composite/s-video cables cheaply, but they only work if you have a special video card that supports that as an output. So unless you want to drop $80 on a converter your SOL.
You can also buy VGA to component cables, but once again they only work if you have a special video card. Y? VGA is a RGB video signal, component is Y / Pr / Pb. Different technologies.
VGA = HDMI electrically; just a different connector. In fact if you have an xbox without HDMI output you can buy a VGA cable for it for about $15, then use a $2 VGA to HDMI converter.