You moron. if you like inhalents go buy ETHER, starting fluid for engines.
The shit in a can IS NOt PURE but its a hell of a lot safer then air duster :rolleyes:
i will admit, i huffed starter fluid for 2 hours straight. WOW! never again, but ether is a deep hole.
Wait starter fluid is ether?? Awesome I must get some:hai:
I'll add that I just tried to get what was left and it was very bitter tasting cold with no high. Anyway seriously the tip of my tongue is completly numb and feels weird and the bitter taste wont leave. Feels bad man:(
this. also
Wait starter fluid is ether?? Awesome I must get some:hai:
why not source real drugs?
I do that most of the time and I haven't done inhalants in a while but I'm broke so said fuck it and did it.
As demonstrated here by my ex. Lawl.
Fuck it. 20 mins later and I still can't find the photo...reserving post!
Did you tilt the can when huffing or was it standing up straight?
straight up and I got a blast of extreme cold and bitterness. Now I feel like I'm about to puke.
I know it gets cold but I don't think frostbite is possible after 1 or 2 seconds.
NOOO I dont wanna be a nigger:( If my level of Negrosity raises tonight then I will have to kill myself.
Edit: 30 minutes later.... Tongue still numb.