Which are you running right now?
Desktop for me, although I will occasionally switch to my laptop depending on what I'm doing.
Desktop FTW, because of the many customizable/replaceable parts (I built the whole thing from scratch), it's great for gaming, stays cool, and has a 1TB drive in for all my games/music/OS'
For most non-gamers, a 3ghz P4 is probably overkill...idiots nowadays tend to go and buy a $500 brand new machine for browsing the internet.
You pretty much said it bro. I hate all that overkill, it's such as waste. People are always saying "I got the most expensive laptop in the shop!" but all they do is check emails and play farmville. Fucking annoys me :mad:
That was my college-mate.
I don't see why they don't upgrade the computers in my college. They expect us to produce some good quality work on them, when they totally suck balls.
AND, the IT students have web-filters running so I have to use a proxy server to go on &T :mad:
Why don't you do a complete format and reinstall Windows, or possibly a Linux distro?
Laptops a shoddy nx6120 with a ram upgrade from the parts laptop i got to fix the trashed screen it had, its outdated but not too shabby for less than $150.
Desktop on the other hand well lets just say whereas im willing to accept a updated and still outdated pos laptop, i like power to burn for alot of things.
I really dont have alot of preference for either apart from using the most suitable for the task, a thuban is better at cracking passwords than a outdated laptop, the laptop is alot more portable than something that will break your foot if you drop it however.
common sense really.
Previous System:
Pentium 4 HT 3.0Ghz [2MB 900 Series]
945GTP [Intel]
8500GT 512MB
2 GB RAM [Kingston 800Mhz 1 GB modules in Dual Channel]
WD 2X 320 GB [7200rpm]
Creative Audigy 2 [6.1]
Dany TV Turner Card
MSI TV Anywhere Satellite
PSU 400W Standard
Current System: [Upgraded component by component]
Intel Core 2 Duo 4600 [2.4 Ghz, overclocks to 3.0Ghz easily]
Gigabyte 965 S2 [Revision 2. Supports Quad Core, 8GB RAM, 6 SATA, 4 From Intel, 2 from Gigabyte, RAID support from ICHR8]
8500GT 512MB
3 GB RAM [Kingston 800Mhz 1 GB modules, 2 512MB 400Mhz Modules, RAm running at 200Mhz and using Flex Mode]
WD 2X 320 GB [7200rpm]
Seagate 1TB [7200rpm]
Using ALC888 built-in 8 Channel
PSU 400W Standard
Next Upgrade System:[Going to update it next month and the month after it]
Intel Core 2 Duo 4600 [2.4 Ghz, overclocks to 3.0Ghz easily]
Gigabyte 965 S2 [Revision 2. Supports Quad Core, 8GB RAM, 6 SATA, 4 From Intel, 2 from Gigabyte, RAID support from ICHR8]
Radeon 5550 [or 5570] DDR3
4~6 GB RAM [Kingston 800Mhz 2x 1 GB modules, 2x 1 GB 800Mhz Modules or 2x 2GB Modules running in dual mode and 2 1GB modules, total 6GB]
WD 2X 320 GB [7200rpm]
Seagate 1TB [7200rpm]
Using ALC888 built-in 8 Channel
PSU 400W Corsair + PSU 400W Standard. 2x PSU for one system.
I have a desktop as well, but it's oldish. Mainly to play around with anything that might break it.
Core i5 430m 2.27ghz auto-overclocks to 2.5 something ghz with TurboBoost
4 gb DDR3
320 gb hdd (5400rpm). It's a WD Scorpio Blue. I want an ssd, but I'm waiting til I'm out of warranty on this drive to upgrade it.
Intel HD graphics. I don't game, and the encoding I do is purely cpu-based. It's pretty much the only thing I wanted the i5 for. Still this one is low class 3, so I can do some older gaming.
Blu-Ray ROM and HDMI out. I don't have a standalone blu-ray player, so I use this to watch blu-ray on my tv.
I bought it last January for $500. I didn't really need a new laptop at the time, but I was able to sell my older one for $150 to offset the cost of this one. I figured paying $350 for the upgrade wasn't bad. I don't think I'll be buying another laptop for quite a while.
Out of interest, why an all-in-one? Space issues?
Not bad for being in Pakistan:thumbsup:
Seriously you must have the best computer around,what type of internet speed you get?
Right now I use a desk top fairly new build.
I do have an optimized system. I keep it running in top condition and I always try to experiment with new things. People do have far better systems in Pakistan than me but only a handful of them actually know what to do with them.
That's a great laptop. Too bad the new Sandy Bridge is a bitch.
Btw I was hoping to upgrade to i3/i5 series in coming months but since Intel is being a bitch and launching Sand Brigde with P67 Chipset, I decided to scrap my plan. But I will follow the upgrade path already listed but don't expect i5 etc in near future.
So true.
And you're right, dfg. Might as well wait for Sandy Bridge since they're releasing it at the consumer electronics show on Jan 5th. It's interesting how the core series came out this year and already they've got something new and better. Amazing how fast this shit gets better.
Pretty much this. I assume most people here are running CCleaner and defragmenting regularly? Pretty much the foundations of keeping my PC in shape. Of course there are other things too, but these are pretty good. Not that I run Windows that much any more, but yeah.
IMO what slows down most machines over time is processes sitting in memory, eating your CPU cycles. Stuff like iTunes' background "helper" process and crap you can't always see as it doesn't have a system tray icon.
Going through and uninstalling the software you don't need is a good start. Otherwise, disable the startup processes you don't want in the msconfig utility. From there you can also disable services which aren't going to be used on a normal home PC, like the UPS monitor and DHCP server.
I agree with what you say about CCleaner, I just use it because I like the idea of getting rid of "crap" which would otherwise just be sitting there on my system. It's also handy for 35-passing my internet history etc.
A) Install Windows 7 and Update it.
C) Install Avast 5.0
D) Move your paging file to another HDD [not partition] to increase performance.
E) Use Msconfig and services.msc to reduce extra loading modules.
F) Download Defragglar and run it weekly.
G) Use Windows 7 Indexing option to reduce look time when searching for something.
H) Weekly run Disk Clean up or run it after installing softwares.
I) Check your Windows Restore settings and delete old restore points using Windows Cleanup.
J) Disable Wireless Services if you're not using Wireless LAN, same applies to other services.
1) Download CPUZ and SpeedFan and check if your hardware temps are stable.
2) Open your case and reseat the CPU [Only if worked with systems before] or just use a blower and clear the dust out.
3) Remove the cables and blow the dust away from them. Makesure the ventilation is working and the components don't get extremely hot.
4) If you're system is slow than: Consider adding more RAM, Getting a better CPU and if you already have those component using a faster HDD or using an SSD.
Making your system fast isn't rocket science. In the end you just have to upgrade some major components or cut down on your system usage.
I'd add that if you really want to squeeze the most out of dated hardware, install XP and run in hardware accelerated Windows Classic mode. 7 is comparatively very heavy on graphics and memory. Not a problem with an up to date machine, but it'll bog down an older single-core box when XP will fly along.
There's a very good guide on techrepublic.com on what XP services do and which ones can be disabled for your usage.
lol girl
Should have bought a few hookers, some drugs, and got a decent $700 laptop. :facepalm: