I.e.: where is it legal to hunt, fish, gather/plant food, etc. without having to worry about liscenses and tresspassing. You know? Wilderness.
That's honestly my biggest holdback.
I would like to do it somewhere in Canada, miles and miles from society, but anywhere cold would work well.
hahahahaha. fuck you.
I'd die knowing I'd be famous. Well, somewhat.
Anyway, I'm not stupid.
I guess I could grow weed out there; though I honestly didn't think of that...and yeah, I smoke, big deal: probably 90% of totse are stoners.
Count me out of that 90%. I smoke weed but I reject stoner culture and all it's nigger loving rasta worshipping wigger glory.
I will keep with my research, and when I've come up with my supply list and destination, I'll post back.
This. Being a stoner is fail. Most of the stoners I've known were pathetic white trash who didn't even have a high school diploma. Now, I've known other people who smoke without embracing the retardation that is stoner "culture".
You want some solitude? Go camping for a few weeks. Trying to "live off the land" is beyond retarded. People are not meant to "live off the land" alone. If anything goes wrong, you're fucked. You get the flu and can't go get food? Fucked. Fall down and break your leg? Fucked. Cut yourself? Get an infection and then fucked. Bear eats all your food (and maybe you)? Fucked.
The gear you need to survive pretty much anywhere is going to be extensive and very costly. You'll need a way to get drinking water. You'll need a way to make fire for an extended period of time. You'll have to get fishing equipment or hunting gear. You'll need several changes of warm clothes. You'll need some kind of shelter. You also need medicine, hygiene stuff like a toothbrush unless you want your teeth to rot out. You'll also need a rifle so you can kill large animals that try to attack you (bears). You'll also need some kind of bug spray unless you want to get eaten to death by mosquitoes. You'll need very good hiking boots and lots of socks. You will need a good knife and probably a hatchet, ax or saw for firewood. You need a sleeping bag, ground pad, tent and you'll need a pack to carry all this. Oh, and toilet paper, unless you like leaves. You'll need a shovel to bury your shit so bears don't come around, and you'll need a bear bag or something to protect your gear. You'll need maps and a compass. You'll want a satellite phone in case you get fucked. A GPS device would be advisable as well.
The list of supplies goes on and on. In short, going camping for a month is feasible with the right gear. Living in the middle of nowhere is beyond most people's ability. It's not feasible without a steady source of food and a large supply of potable water. Sure, people like Lewis and Clark and their crew explored America, but they had the help of native Americans and game animals and fish were way, way more plentiful back then because they hadn't all been killed off and/or driven away.
If you want solitude, go camping. Forget living in the middle of nowhere.
It is hard without the right gear. Most people will die or make it to civilization. No one lives in the middle of nowhere with no gear, especially not in cold climate like Canada.
This. It's definitely possible but for some reason i doubt op can pull it off. The Una bomber did it. One thing I want to know though is OP what kind of experienc do you have with this sort of thing? Like have been camping and are you an OK hunter and fisher? Btw if you do this bringing a rifle is highly advisable. I'd say atleast a 30 06 if bears are an issue.
No man, you're just a square man. It's like, weed is everything man. And Bob Marley is everything too man.
Eskimos grow up doing it. Their people have been there for generations, and they know how to survive where they live. The OP does not.
Good to know.
Sure some people can do it, but they bring supplies, make a shelter (the unabomber had a shack he built), and they have to have a constant food supply. What will you do in the winter when the fish are gone and the other animals hibernate? What happens if your sleeping bag gets a hole in it and it's freezing outside?
These are the kinds of things that might sound stupid, but anyone who does not prepare before going off into the wilderness is a moron. Do it if you want, but don't leave home without the right gear and expect to survive on grass and pinecones.
That hurts :sad:
Eskimos have modern rifles, gas powered snowsleds etc.
They don't live anything like 100 years ago anymore, and they probably couldn't do it anymore, just like the rest of humanity.
OP: If you do this, the same thing that happened to 90% of the people who tried this will happen to you: you will die, alone, in the wilderness, from something benign. In a year, people will stop thinking about you, in ten years your body might be found and a missing person case might be closed. You won't be famous, you won't be loved / missed much. You'll just die miserable, cold and alone.
But if that's what you want, I'd say go for it.
No your right it dosent, and while i dont have bears where i am, i do have a idea.
Yours (bear dosent always win), + fanglekais (the other animals hibernate), + DirtySanchez'es (I'd say atleast a 30 06 if bears are an issue) + a nice bear cave and as the bears hibernation is over alarm clock http://www.vidmax.com/video/4474/Pakistani_villagers_set_a_live_bear_on_fire/
Seems either a quite feasible idea to get slightly pre cooked breakfast, or a great way to get yourself mauled to death by a bear on fire
Edit: mmm bearburgers XD