help with split

stresstres Regular
edited December 2010 in Life
im after a little tweaking with my split routine; I've been training for 6weeks and been on a split for a little less. I'm on a 50/50 gainer, glutamine, dextrose, creatine, multi and my diet is a-ok. I walk daily so I strictly weight train and avoid cardio at gym. I'll write up my schedule to the best of my ability, but please excuse mis-titled exercises and whatever else. My training also incorporates negative loading (eccentric?) with usually a 1:0:3(or)4 tempo.

1/4: Legs/Core
2/4: Cest/Tri
- Break -
3/4: Shoulders/Legs
4/4: Back/Bi

1/4: Legs/Core
  • BB Squat 12,10,8,6,10
  • Leg Press 12,10,8,6,10
  • Smith Squat 10,8,6,10
  • Hack Press 10,8,6,10
  • Lunges 10,8,6,10
  • Calf Raises 10,8,6,10
  • Leg Extenstion 10,8,6,10


2/4: Cest/Tri
  • Push Ups; 20
  • BB Decline Press 12,10,8,6,10
  • Cable Fly 12,10,8,6,10
  • Iso-Lat Decline Press 10,8,6,10
  • Pec Fly (Machine) 10,8,6,10
  • DB Flat Bench 10,8,6,10
  • Push Ups; Failure
  • Tri Pulldown (rope) 12,10,8,6,10
  • Incline SkullCrusher 12,10,8,6,10
  • Tricep Pulldown (Bar) 10,8,6,10
  • (Unknown Name; DB Raises {behind head}) 10,8,6,10
  • Weighted Tricep Dips 10,8,6,10 - or - dropset until failure.

3/4: Shoulders/Legs
  • DB Shoulder Press 12,10,8,6,10
  • Unknown Name; {delts} 12,10,8,6,10
  • O/H Raises 10,8,6,10
  • Iso-Lat Shoulder Press 10,8,6,10
  • Shrugs 10,8,6,10
  • Rear-Delt Machine 10,8,6,10
  • Lat Raises 10,8,6,10
  • Parallel Raises 10,8,6,10
  • BB Squat 12,10,8,6,10
  • Leg Press 12,10,8,6,10
  • Smith Squat 10,8,6,10
  • Hack Press 10,8,6,10
  • Lunges 10,8,6,10
  • Calf Raises 10,8,6,10
  • Leg Extenstion 10,8,6,10

4/4: Back/Bi
  • Pull Ups (Wide grip) 12,10,8
  • Bent Over BB Row 12,10,8,6,10 - Or - Smith Row
  • BB Deadlift 12,10,8,6,10 - Sub'd for hexagon bar?
  • Lat Pulldown (Wide Grip) 12,10,8,6,10
  • Iso-Lat High Row 10,8,6,10
  • Iso-Lat Lat Pulldown 10,8,6,10
  • Iso-Lat Low Row 10,8,6,10
  • Back Raises (?) [weighted] 10,8,6,10
  • Pullups; Failure
  • Curl (inverted rope) 12,10,8,6,10
  • Curl (EZ-Bar) 10,8,6,10
  • Curl (Hammer) 10,8,6,10
  • Curl (Preacher?) 10,8,6,10
  • Curl; dropset failure or negatives (Cable or machine)

still got to edit this post but i've only just started core exercises and not sure what they are called, will edit after some research. thanks for help doods :thumbsup:

i think the main area of focus is bicep and shoulder training and also core exercises!


  • edited December 2010
    Pakistanis sniff cum
  • stresstres Regular
    edited December 2010
    just do pushups, situps, chinups, and running brah

    a PT friend of mine who was in the NAVY emphasised the importance of body-weighted exercises and running, but I really want to stack on some quick weight first, find the outer extreme, cut back to comfort and then begin working on a maintenance program. Over the next 12 months my main focus is mass gain and I think a weight-training schedule is more catered towards that goal ?

    thx for reply :thumbsup:
  • AlbinoEthiopianAlbinoEthiopian Regular
    edited December 2010
    Woahhhhhh.... take it easy on all those sets man. You are doing way too many exercises and sets. Try to keep it around 3-4 exercises and 3-4 sets for each muscle group. And if I remember right you are trying to bulk, so try to do more weight with less reps, and throw in a burn out on the major exercises not all of them. (or the ones you think you need them on) Interesting pyramid style work out, how do you differ the weight with that? Lighter to heavier then back to lighter I'm assuming?
  • stresstres Regular
    edited December 2010
    Thanks for the reply dood

    Ok so I should substitute:
    * BB Squat 12,10,8,6,10
    * Leg Press 12,10,8,6,10
    * Smith Squat 10,8,6,10
    * Hack Press 10,8,6,10
    * Lunges 10,8,6,10
    * Calf Raises 10,8,6,10
    * Leg Extenstion 10,8,6,10


    * BB Squat 12,10,8,6
    * Leg Press 10,8,6,10
    * Smith Squat 10,8,6,10
    * Hack Press 10,8,6
    * Calf Raises 10,8,6,10

    Or even less sets/exercises?

    The weight increments I'm using looks like this:
    1 warm-up ~25%
    2 working 1 ~ 45%
    3 working 2 ~ 75%
    4 working 3 ~ 100%
    5 drop ~ 35%

    The total 100% doesn't equal my 1RM (I’ve never calculated it), just the entire weight I will be using that exercise. My work out takes 90minutes if best, sometimes longer - I wouldn't be at all surprised if I'm over training.
  • AlbinoEthiopianAlbinoEthiopian Regular
    edited December 2010
    It seems like you are over working a little bit but that schedule does look a lot better. You just have to find that balance that your body will let you push to your limit but not over work and actually lose muscle. People have different views on the exact work out and how many sets and reps and the such so this is all IMO. When you do the exercises, hit them hard and you won't want to do so many different ones.
  • stresstres Regular
    edited December 2010
    stres wrote: »
    1/4: Legs (1/2)/Core
    2/4: Cest/Tri
    - Break -
    3/4: Shoulders/Legs (2/2)
    4/4: Back/Bi

    1/4: Legs (1/2)/Core
    • Leg Press 12,10,8,6,10
    • Smith Squat 10,8,6
    • Calf Raises 10,8,6,10
    • Leg Extenstion 10,8,6

    2/4: Cest/Tri
    • Push Ups; - REPS? -
    • BB Decline Press 12,10,8,6 - SUB INCLINE alternating -
    • Cable Fly 10,8,6,10
    • Iso-Lat Decline Press 10,8,6,10
    • Pec Fly (Machine) 10,8,6
    • DB Flat Bench 10,8,6,10
    • Push Ups; Failure
    • Tri Pulldown (rope) 12,10,8,6
    • Incline SkullCrusher 10,8,6
    • Tricep Pulldown (Bar) 10,8,6
    • (Unknown Name; DB Raises {behind head}) 10,8,6
    • Weighted Tricep Dips 10,8,6,10 - or - dropset until failure.

    3/4: Shoulders/Legs (2/2)
    • DB Shoulder Press 12,10,8,6 - SUB O/H Raises alternating -
    • Delt (Raises?) 10,8,6,10
    • Iso-Lat Shoulder Press 10,8,6,10
    • Shrugs 10,8,6,10
    • Rear-Delt Machine 10,8,6,10
    • Lat Raises 10,8,6
    • Side Raises 10,8,6
    • BB Squat 12,10,8,6
    • Hack Press 10,8,6,10
    • Lunges 10,8,6
    • Calf Raises 10,8,6,10
    • Leg Curl 10,8,6

    4/4: Back/Bi
    • Pull Ups (Wide grip) - REPS? -
    • Bent Over Row 12,10,8,6 (BB or SMITH)
    • BB Deadlift 12,10,8,6
    • Pulldown (Wide Grip) 10,8,6
    • Iso-Lat High Row 10,8,6,10
    • Iso-Lat Low Row 10,8,6,10
    • Pullups; Failure
    • Curl (inverted rope) 12,10,8,6
    • Curl (EZ-Bar) 10,8,6
    • Curl (Hammer) 10,8,6,10
    • Curl (Preacher?) 10,8,6,10
    • Curl; dropset failure or negatives (Cable or machine)

    still fucking around with it but getting a little closer, i really do need to sort out core and bicep training though ..
  • AlbinoEthiopianAlbinoEthiopian Regular
    edited December 2010
    What do you need to sort out? What problems are you having right now?
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