Is there a science behind making the perfect molotov? I've heard that you can mix things into them to allow them to stick to things better after they have been thrown, but I'm really unsure on the type of substance which would have to be added, and how much of it you would need.
Anyone know about this shit?
some random factiods ive learnt from direct experience with these fun toys are.
light rag, hold for 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds after the rags fully lit, then throw at the thing you wish to destroy or at least make crispy. (if the rags burning but not actually hot enough, you can extinguish the rag when throwing)
dont hold on too long especially with a thin glass bottle, or if you do try to angle the rag so most of the heat isnt being absorbed up the neck of the bottle, unless you like to hold a cracked leaky bottle of flaming gasoline of course, in which case, disregard this warning
should be common sense but either cork or use the original screw on bottle cap try to flatten the rag so its not folded over by the bottle mouth, one uhh ply of rag over the threads.
if using thick walled bottles dont fill them to the top, leave a considerable airspace , liquids dont compress, and in a strong thick walled glass bottle will distribute the impact shock very effectivly, im not kidding, it would seem counterintuitive but it will survive being thrown at a concrete wall from under 3 metres away and fucking bounce off, a indestructable firebomb is pretty frustrating, of course if you use a plastic bottlecap it will eventually burn thru it and spill flammable whatever all over the place so if it was designed to do that it could be a handy feature.
thats pretty much all ive done, never really played around with 'alternative fuels' like oil in it trx100, although expanded polystyrene does dissolve in gasoline, it makes both a handy household plastic and as im sure you can imagine before it dries out into hard plastic a rather sticky flammable mess
Thanks for the replies!
Anyway. If you put too much oil in, will this make it less firey?
Yes, oil has a higher ignition temp than gas, so if you put too much in it might fuck it all up.
Inb4 "Everything"
Cop station, cop car, cop. ect ect ect