What are your limits when it comes to your sexual partners? Will you fuck fat girls? Ugly girls? Hairy guys? Bald guys? Describe the ugliest person you've ever had sex with. What were the circumstances leading up to the sex act?
im pretty easy when it will come to who i fuck, but dating is a different story. you have to been seen out in public with those people. i got a really gross story for the lowest. its more on my end of it though. i feel gross just thinking bout it.
ok, this was a couple of years ago and i was on kind of a bender. id been drinking for about three days, bbqing, just living it up. i went out with some of my friends to a dive bar and met this chick. we left and went to her place. i didnt know she lived with her parents so we had to fuck in a cornfield. whatever im rambling. i made her eat my ass after not showering for 3 days, drinking, nasty ass beer shits. i still remember her face when she came up. it was one of pure disgust. it must have been a nightmare down there. i guess it was probably more of a low for her.
im pretty easy when it will come to who i fuck, but dating is a different story. you have to been seen out in public with those people. i got a really gross story for the lowest. its more on my end of it though. i feel gross just thinking bout it.
ok, this was a couple of years ago and i was on kind of a bender. id been drinking for about three days, bbqing, just living it up. i went out with some of my friends to a dive bar and met this chick. we left and went to her place. i didnt know she lived with her parents so we had to fuck in a cornfield. whatever im rambling. i made her eat my ass after not showering for 3 days, drinking, nasty ass beer shits. i still remember her face when she came up. it was one of pure disgust. it must have been a nightmare down there. i guess it was probably more of a low for her.
Haha, oh wow.
I've never banged an ugly chick before, but I kinda have a fantasy about fucking a girl with a great body, but with a mangled, disfigured face. Not like a retard or anything, just like because of an industrial accident, chemical burn, etc.
I've let my judgement slip once and fucked a fatty. I don't regret it. That is, until I remember what she looks like.
Fuck, when that happened I was so pissed. She woke me up, I took one look at her, and in seconds was out of bed, in my clothes, and hurriedly getting the fuck out. She said something about calling her and I was just like "Uh, maybe. But anyway thanks" she says "Thanks for what" and I just said "Nothing" and booked it out.
The worst part was that my friend was trying to bang the fat chick's hot friend, so a couple days later he told her (the hot one) to come over and sure enough, Big Momma was tagging along. All my roommates just laughed, I proceeded to feed myself shots until I passed out like 20 mins after she showed up ahaha
I don't remember the circumstances leading up to it, as I was black out drunk. I'm sure it was just me either flirting with her hardcore, or I just said "We should fuck", that's my MO.
The other girls I've slept with were all sexy, this was the exception. But I was just doing a little community service, right?
I once fucked a fatty too. In my defense, I had to do no work at all for it.
My friend was sweet talking up this fat girl for some dome, and he told her id be there, so she was like "ok whos cock am i sucking first then?"
So when my friend was fucking around with her, I casually slipped out my penis and put it inside her. We basically eiffel towered her. I shot my load, he jizzed in her hair, then we bounced out like "peace"
im pretty easy when it will come to who i fuck, but dating is a different story. you have to been seen out in public with those people. i got a really gross story for the lowest. its more on my end of it though. i feel gross just thinking bout it.
ok, this was a couple of years ago and i was on kind of a bender. id been drinking for about three days, bbqing, just living it up. i went out with some of my friends to a dive bar and met this chick. we left and went to her place. i didnt know she lived with her parents so we had to fuck in a cornfield. whatever im rambling. i made her eat my ass after not showering for 3 days, drinking, nasty ass beer shits. i still remember her face when she came up. it was one of pure disgust. it must have been a nightmare down there. i guess it was probably more of a low for her.
Hahah that's fuckin hilarious.. sorry I don't really have a good story to contribute with myself..
but I did get fucked up on Everclear one night at the beach.. and I sucked this ugly fat bitches tits, but luckily my buddy stopped me from embarrassing myself any further
A fuck is a fuck, irregardless of the other person's looks.
That being said, I've had some lows. The last one being this chick from my class, who was practically begging for me to fuck her for a year straight. During a trip we took with a few classmates (her included) we got wasted one night and she threw herself at me.
We were fuckbuddies for a while until I could no longer tolerate her BS. She wasn't all that bad, great tits and a little chubby, but her face man, her face :mad:
So right now, the only sexy time I'm getting is from one of my EXes (who isn't that bad, but it's getting a little boring)
i got some more about the depth of my depravity. if ive been drinking i will do a lot of disgusting things. i fisted this fat chick once after striking out with her super hot friend. im getting the shivers just thinking bout it now. i was really jamming it in there & she was squealing like a stuck pig. then she wanted to cuddle. i just wanted to die.
I was going through a dry spell and nearly fucked a fatty. But one day I met her hot friend and we hit it off. I'm eternally grateful for that, although I don't know where she is anymore and vice versa :cool:
I once fucked a black chick, she was skinny with a nice booty you could latch your hands onto, had a good face and even sounded like a white girl. I guess I am only mentioning this beacuse she was black.
Also when I usd to have this recordinng studio I would sell coke out of it (hypothetically ) and these two fat chicks that I guess were friends or something (one was black & the other white) anyway these two fatties loved to suck dick, you could just point at your dick and bam some lips would be surrounding my junk. Well normally I passed on there advances but one night I was real coked out and pretty drunk, its amazeing I even got it up, and just let them go to town my my dick, I wont like that hoe could suck.
No fatties allowed. I went there once, it was so fucked up. Alright check this story:
I was working a retail chain when I was 17 and I would get a 15 min break everyday. I'd rush to taco bell in the same parking lot, get two tacos just meat cheese and sour creme. Rush to eat it, get a free drink, and smoke a cigarette on the way walking back to work.
Since this was all the time, this girl that worked there began to notice. She seemed cute, about 5' nice personality, cute face, etc. So she starts giving them to me for free, even having them ready for me when I showed up, knowing I'd be there. One day she says to me, "I've been buying you lunch everyday for a month, how about buying me dinner?" We exchanged numbers and at the end of the week I texted her to see if she was free for Friday. She was.
I ventured out across a few towns and got to her house. She gets in. Hmm. She was really short so I never got to see her full body, it was covered because she was behind the counter. She looked okay, a bit thicker than I go for. Whatever, let's see what happens.
We get to my boy's party and my boys are doggin her, so i'm like alright she aint bad. Something about her just left me put off though. I think God was tapping on my shoulder, foreshadowing the horror ahead. I started pounding drinks knowing for well what I was getting in to. Fast forward a bit, I'm hammered, I use the magical line of 2006 "Want to goto my house and watch family guy?" Bam. I'm in.
We get back to my house and start hooking up, Now this is where things take a turn for the worst. I take her shirt off, and her skin, it has a greenish tinge. A pale, corpse like color. It feels leathery, but slimy kinda. Like she had a faint sweat over her entire body. Fuck it. I take her bra off, I'm kissing her breasts and I see them. Giant nipples, almost covering the entirety of the bottom her breast. They're a terrible color and her breasts themselves are triangular, like traffic cones. Fuck it. I start fingering her and it just feels weird. Not wide, just deep. I get my pants off and enter it. Fuck it.
What happened I can not understand, I don't know this girl's anatomy. As I said, she felt really deep. The best way to describe it was like, Taking a step into a long hallway rather than a closet. I could just feel the unending tunnel. A hollow feeling. As I worked myself harder, I felt a wetness on my lower body. I'm thinking, damn I'm really turning this girl on. I stop, look down and somehow, one of my balls is inside of her. I'm all the way inside of her and so is one of my balls, it got vacuumed in somehow. It was so weird, I didn't want to finish, but I had to for the story. Anyway, I finished up, came on her face (first time I ever did that, because I used to respect girls), and drove her home.
That story aside, I have a hierarchy for this shit.
Like I'd hookup with a girl I wouldn't get head from (sounds weird? it is.), get head from a girl I wouldn't fuck, and fuck a girl I wouldn't date.
No fatties allowed. I went there once, it was so fucked up. Alright check this story:
I was working a retail chain when I was 17 and I would get a 15 min break everyday. I'd rush to taco bell in the same parking lot, get two tacos just meat cheese and sour creme. Rush to eat it, get a free drink, and smoke a cigarette on the way walking back to work.
Since this was all the time, this girl that worked there began to notice. She seemed cute, about 5' nice personality, cute face, etc. So she starts giving them to me for free, even having them ready for me when I showed up, knowing I'd be there. One day she says to me, "I've been buying you lunch everyday for a month, how about buying me dinner?" We exchanged numbers and at the end of the week I texted her to see if she was free for Friday. She was.
I ventured out across a few towns and got to her house. She gets in. Hmm. She was really short so I never got to see her full body, it was covered because she was behind the counter. She looked okay, a bit thicker than I go for. Whatever, let's see what happens.
We get to my boy's party and my boys are doggin her, so i'm like alright she aint bad. Something about her just left me put off though. I think God was tapping on my shoulder, foreshadowing the horror ahead. I started pounding drinks knowing for well what I was getting in to. Fast forward a bit, I'm hammered, I use the magical line of 2006 "Want to goto my house and watch family guy?" Bam. I'm in.
We get back to my house and start hooking up, Now this is where things take a turn for the worst. I take her shirt off, and her skin, it has a greenish tinge. A pale, corpse like color. It feels leathery, but slimy kinda. Like she had a faint sweat over her entire body. Fuck it. I take her bra off, I'm kissing her breasts and I see them. Giant nipples, almost covering the entirety of the bottom her breast. They're a terrible color and her breasts themselves are triangular, like traffic cones. Fuck it. I start fingering her and it just feels weird. Not wide, just deep. I get my pants off and enter it. Fuck it.
What happened I can not understand, I don't know this girl's anatomy. As I said, she felt really deep. The best way to describe it was like, Taking a step into a long hallway rather than a closet. I could just feel the unending tunnel. A hollow feeling. As I worked myself harder, I felt a wetness on my lower body. I'm thinking, damn I'm really turning this girl on. I stop, look down and somehow, one of my balls is inside of her. I'm all the way inside of her and so is one of my balls, it got vacuumed in somehow. It was so weird, I didn't want to finish, but I had to for the story. Anyway, I finished up, came on her face (first time I ever did that, because I used to respect girls), and drove her home.
That story aside, I have a hierarchy for this shit.
Like I'd hookup with a girl I wouldn't get head from (sounds weird? it is.), get head from a girl I wouldn't fuck, and fuck a girl I wouldn't date.
I just take what I want. I have no desire for fatties, unhealthy women, and women who don't look after themselves. Basically any woman that wouldn't make a good mother or produce a good kid is a no no. Must be curvy/wide hips. No other race but caucasoid.
Although in my past I did fuck a tranny, years ago when I was 18; mainly because "she" acted, looked, sounded and dressed more feminine than the neo-feminists who live around my area; and I had moved out of my mother's. I can see why men would be physically attracted to a good looking tranny, especially considering how hard a lot of women try to act like to men, even the ugliest of women will be stuck so far up their own ass these days and think they're the SHIT.
Needless to say, all I did was meet "her" in a bar, "she" was wearing a neck tie very similar to this, we got chatting, had a few drinks, well a lot of drinks; went back to "her" apartment and did some lines of cocaine. Her apartment was a dark red color, funky patterned curtains to match it, nice shag carpetting which felt brilliant on your feet, and a lava lamp to add up to the laid back atmosphere. "She" offered to give me a massage and was very good at it, got topless, had a cracking pair of tits and started giving me head, which "she" was very good at; then told me "she" wanted to go futher but had to tel...uhmm show me something. By this time I didn't give a shit, I just said I wasn't sucking dick and wasn't getting fucked in the ass. I did a little bit of teasing, smooching, sucking on "her" tits, getting my dick sucked and my ass licked (feels good, man) and me fucking "her" in the ass.
Was much tighter than when I'd fucked other girls and my mom in the ass. Ended up passing out, getting made breakfast the next morning, left and we'd seen each other a few other occassions at the same bar and got chatting. Funnily enough "she" was racist then when I couldn't come to terms with the fact that I was too.
Never again, it wasn't for me then and it's certainly not now.
Not to mention I see transsexualism as unnatural, however it's not entirely unnatural for a man to be attracted to one, since a great deal of them are actually more feminine than most women these days, which goes to show you how fucked society is. In the sense of procreation it is unnatural; however people are free to do as they please, as long as it's not force fed, they don't expect special privledges and help and would be best for them to go to a community where they are truly accepted and wanted, amongst their own kind and be free. I may sound like a hypocrite but that's the way I see it and feel now.
You learn from your experiences and as time goes on. That's all I can say. I won't be dishonest about my past.
I could never be attracted to anything that once had a penis at any time.
Everything about a woman is sexy. The shape of their body, the feel of their hair, the smell of their pussy, their hips, dat ass, breasts, their voice, those lips, hairless, smooth, everything.
Everything about a woman is sexy. The shape of their body, the feel of their hair, the smell of their pussy, their hips, dat ass, breasts, their voice, those lips, hairless, smooth, everything.
Yeah no shit. I'm not even attracted to trannies, what I'm saying is I could see why some men would be considering a lot of women try to act like, dress like, talk like and sometimes look like men.
Until she took her panties off you couldn't even tell. That's the weird thing.
One "gay" experience doesn't make me a fag. I'm married with kids now.
Yeah no shit. I'm not even attracted to trannies, what I'm saying is I could see why some men would be considering a lot of women try to act like, dress like, talk like and sometimes look like men.
Until she took her panties off you couldn't even tell. That's the weird thing.
One "gay" experience doesn't make me a fag. I'm married with kids now.
I was at this party once and this white girl (I'm usually of the latina persuasion) wasn't too bad looking but was certainly on the thick side. She was blonde and had a pretty flat belly but wiiiiiiiiiide hips and a sweet plump ass to go along with her thick thighs.
Nice girl. So I meet her and talk to her at odd points throughout the party. I'm a clueless motherfucker so I didn't quite observe she was coming on to me. So here she is, giving me vodka and taking shots with me. In the morning I loled as I realized she got me drunk. So the house party goes on and its around 4 or 5 and people start choosing where theyre going to sleep. Were lying together chilling and shes obviously into me. We move onto a lazy boy and then lights out since everyone decided to sleep. So we start making out, though its closer to eating each others faces as we were both pretty well toasted. She gets on top of me and begins grinding as I lick her small but perky tits. The whole time the other people sleeping around the living room are giggling at our sloppy sounds. And then... I stop.
I freak. I was a virgin at the time and realized
a) I didn't want to do it like this. I wanted to lose it to someone I cared about.
b) I would feel guilty since I didn't want to tell my ex at the time who I was kind of messing around and experimenting with.
c) I didn't know if I could keep it up being both drunk and nervous.
So I say, drunkenly "Uh...no...I don't think I can do this"
She tells me we don't have to fuck. Lets go to the side room in the house and she'll...uh...help me out.
I said no....and then passed out.
I felt like such a moron for so many reasons as my head pounded the next morning.
So to answer the question, I usually like a bit of thickness in my women. Nothing unhealthy but some girls wear it well. Ugliness and stupidity is much harder to consider...
I was at this party once and this white girl (I'm usually of the latina persuasion) wasn't too bad looking but was certainly on the thick side. She was blonde and had a pretty flat belly but wiiiiiiiiiide hips and a sweet plump ass to go along with her thick thighs.
Nice girl. So I meet her and talk to her at odd points throughout the party. I'm a clueless motherfucker so I didn't quite observe she was coming on to me. So here she is, giving me vodka and taking shots with me. In the morning I loled as I realized she got me drunk. So the house party goes on and its around 4 or 5 and people start choosing where theyre going to sleep. Were lying together chilling and shes obviously into me. We move onto a lazy boy and then lights out since everyone decided to sleep. So we start making out, though its closer to eating each others faces as we were both pretty well toasted. She gets on top of me and begins grinding as I lick her small but perky tits. The whole time the other people sleeping around the living room are giggling at our sloppy sounds. And then... I stop.
I freak. I was a virgin at the time and realized
a) I didn't want to do it like this. I wanted to lose it to someone I cared about.
b) I would feel guilty since I didn't want to tell my ex at the time who I was kind of messing around and experimenting with.
c) I didn't know if I could keep it up being both drunk and nervous.
So I say, drunkenly "Uh...no...I don't think I can do this"
She tells me we don't have to fuck. Lets go to the side room in the house and she'll...uh...help me out.
I said no....and then passed out.
I felt like such a moron for so many reasons as my head pounded the next morning.
So to answer the question, I usually like a bit of thickness in my women. Nothing unhealthy but some girls wear it well. Ugliness and stupidity is much harder to consider...
At least you didn't embarrass yourself by cumming in 2 seconds. That would've been even worse.
Good stories ITT. I guess I could contribute. So it was about to be my first time right. We make out in bed, she sucks my dick, I eat her pussy. Then when I'm about to put on a rubber my dick goes AWOL on me. Pretty embarrassing huh? Well I guess it was worse when it happened the second time too.
Then the third.
And fourth.
Then finally I managed to get my shit together and get rid of my nervousness.
It was pretty awesome after that.
Good stories ITT. I guess I could contribute. So it was about to be my first time right. We make out in bed, she sucks my dick, I eat her pussy. Then when I'm about to put on a rubber my dick goes AWOL on me. Pretty embarrassing huh? Well I guess it was worse when it happened the second time too.
Then the third.
And fourth.
Then finally I managed to get my shit together and get rid of my nervousness.
It was pretty awesome after that.
I was nervous at first too. The thing I had to remember was to not freak out about it. Yeah it's kind of embarrassing, but that shit happens. I got over it fast, and then never had any problems.
I was nervous at first too. The thing I had to remember was to not freak out about it. Yeah it's kind of embarrassing, but that shit happens. I got over it fast, and then never had any problems.
Christ, its nice to not feel like you're the only one.
Last spring I met this chick, she said she was 16. I was 25. Somehow she was trying to add her friend to MSN and accidentally added my e-mail instead. So I started talking to her, she looked decent in her pics, nice tits, cute face. She was really horny, and had a dirty mind. She liked being dominated and treated like shit in the sack, which I have a serious fetish for. So one night she starts a convo with me. It was 2 am or some shit, and she was at a friends house. He went to sleep, she was bored, and wanted me to come pic her up. She had been drinking, and was likely on drugs too. I hadn't seen pussy in 3 weeks, so I jumped in my truck and drove an hour to this house. She came out. Still had a cute face, but a fat ass and thighs. I was horny, drove a long way, so I said fuck it.
The whole way back to my place she's saying all kinds of stupid shit as she's a little drunk, and I'm trying to not get pulled over, cause she's pretty young, drunk, and I don't know her to well. Finally, we get back to my place. We have a couple beers, and then go to my bedroom. We laid there for a bit talking, and then got down to business. She gave great head, and then I went to put on a condom. She told me I didn't have to wear one, but fuck that shit. I wore one. Then I proceeded to fuck the living shit out of this girl. I slapped her around, made her bag, and degraded her every way I could think of. I finished off by laying her on her back and fucking her throat. Then I made her beg for me to cum in her mouth, and then blew a huge load. Had to have been the dirties depraved sex I've ever had.
Woke up to her the next day. I made her sleep in a sleeping bag instead of under my blankets, as she had black marker on her, and my sheets were white. Got her ass up, and drove her home. She only had boxers and a T-shirt on when I picked her up, but she had to go to her parents house. So we stopped at a second hand store, where she stole some clothes, lol. Took her home, dropped her off at the end of the block, and never looked back.
I also fucked this woman in her 40's out of pity once. Booked it soon after I filled her pussy. I had a gay moment once too, which led me to realize I'm definitely not gay. I still sit back to this day and laugh at my shananigans. I have more stories about crazy adventures, but these are the dark secret ones that I don't share, except anonymously with you guys.
Last spring I met this chick, she said she was 16. I was 25. Somehow she was trying to add her friend to MSN and accidentally added my e-mail instead. So I started talking to her, she looked decent in her pics, nice tits, cute face. She was really horny, and had a dirty mind. She liked being dominated and treated like shit in the sack, which I have a serious fetish for. So one night she starts a convo with me. It was 2 am or some shit, and she was at a friends house. He went to sleep, she was bored, and wanted me to come pic her up. She had been drinking, and was likely on drugs too. I hadn't seen pussy in 3 weeks, so I jumped in my truck and drove an hour to this house. She came out. Still had a cute face, but a fat ass and thighs. I was horny, drove a long way, so I said fuck it.
The whole way back to my place she's saying all kinds of stupid shit as she's a little drunk, and I'm trying to not get pulled over, cause she's pretty young, drunk, and I don't know her to well. Finally, we get back to my place. We have a couple beers, and then go to my bedroom. We laid there for a bit talking, and then got down to business. She gave great head, and then I went to put on a condom. She told me I didn't have to wear one, but fuck that shit. I wore one. Then I proceeded to fuck the living shit out of this girl. I slapped her around, made her bag, and degraded her every way I could think of. I finished off by laying her on her back and fucking her throat. Then I made her beg for me to cum in her mouth, and then blew a huge load. Had to have been the dirties depraved sex I've ever had.
Woke up to her the next day. I made her sleep in a sleeping bag instead of under my blankets, as she had black marker on her, and my sheets were white. Got her ass up, and drove her home. She only had boxers and a T-shirt on when I picked her up, but she had to go to her parents house. So we stopped at a second hand store, where she stole some clothes, lol. Took her home, dropped her off at the end of the block, and never looked back.
I also fucked this woman in her 40's out of pity once. Booked it soon after I filled her pussy. I had a gay moment once too, which led me to realize I'm definitely not gay. I still sit back to this day and laugh at my shananigans. I have more stories about crazy adventures, but these are the dark secret ones that I don't share, except anonymously with you guys.
Virginity is something to get rid of ASAP. Especially for a dude.
you know MTV is BRINGIN THE BOYS BACK! Beavis and Butthead are coming back still in their high school stage and will be commenting on both old and new music! Gonna be great!
you know MTV is BRINGIN THE BOYS BACK! Beavis and Butthead are coming back still in their high school stage and will be commenting on both old and new music! Gonna be great!
What are your limits when it comes to your sexual partners? Will you fuck fat girls? Ugly girls? Hairy guys? Bald guys? Describe the ugliest person you've ever had sex with. What were the circumstances leading up to the sex act?
One time i fucked a mentally retarded girl.... We were at a graduation party for her cousin or whatever.... Anyways, she was sitting at a table afew away from the one i was at just watching me the whole time. When i was eating, got up to walk around, talked to people, just pretty much everything i did she saw.... So anyway, i went into the woods to go piss and she followed me. I was going by a tree when i heard something, turned around quick, ended up pissing on my leg and almost getting cought in my zipper! I started walking back but she moved in my way looking down. I thought she was staring at my leg you know, cause of the "accident" i had. But then she just grabs my belt and pants with one hand and stuck her other hand down my pants and starting playing with me.... I could not stand to look at her though. Idk what was wrong with her but she looked like alotta other people ive seen with the same face.... But yeah, she had an alright body ass and big saggy boobs so i was grabbing those while looking at the sky. She started trying to pull my pants down but couldnt so i did, then pulled hers down too to find that she had no panties on! And, no hair!!!..... But it smelled like something a dead animal so yeah, i did NOT LICK THAT.... And i was adraid shed bite me so i didnt get a bj.... I just turned her around, bent her over, grabbed her hips and stuck it in.... No condom either.... Pulled it out, came on her ass, pulled my pants up, and left her there bent over half naked and everything.
ok, this was a couple of years ago and i was on kind of a bender. id been drinking for about three days, bbqing, just living it up. i went out with some of my friends to a dive bar and met this chick. we left and went to her place. i didnt know she lived with her parents so we had to fuck in a cornfield. whatever im rambling. i made her eat my ass after not showering for 3 days, drinking, nasty ass beer shits. i still remember her face when she came up. it was one of pure disgust. it must have been a nightmare down there. i guess it was probably more of a low for her.
Haha, oh wow.
I've never banged an ugly chick before, but I kinda have a fantasy about fucking a girl with a great body, but with a mangled, disfigured face. Not like a retard or anything, just like because of an industrial accident, chemical burn, etc.
Fuck, when that happened I was so pissed. She woke me up, I took one look at her, and in seconds was out of bed, in my clothes, and hurriedly getting the fuck out. She said something about calling her and I was just like "Uh, maybe. But anyway thanks" she says "Thanks for what" and I just said "Nothing" and booked it out.
The worst part was that my friend was trying to bang the fat chick's hot friend, so a couple days later he told her (the hot one) to come over and sure enough, Big Momma was tagging along. All my roommates just laughed, I proceeded to feed myself shots until I passed out like 20 mins after she showed up ahaha
I don't remember the circumstances leading up to it, as I was black out drunk. I'm sure it was just me either flirting with her hardcore, or I just said "We should fuck", that's my MO.
The other girls I've slept with were all sexy, this was the exception. But I was just doing a little community service, right?
My friend was sweet talking up this fat girl for some dome, and he told her id be there, so she was like "ok whos cock am i sucking first then?"
So when my friend was fucking around with her, I casually slipped out my penis and put it inside her. We basically eiffel towered her. I shot my load, he jizzed in her hair, then we bounced out like "peace"
Hahah that's fuckin hilarious.. sorry I don't really have a good story to contribute with myself..
but I did get fucked up on Everclear one night at the beach.. and I sucked this ugly fat bitches tits, but luckily my buddy stopped me from embarrassing myself any further
Also, this one chick wanted to have sex behind a dumpster behind National City. She wasn't that hot.
Even if they come onto you and want to suck your dick?
That being said, I've had some lows. The last one being this chick from my class, who was practically begging for me to fuck her for a year straight. During a trip we took with a few classmates (her included) we got wasted one night and she threw herself at me.
We were fuckbuddies for a while until I could no longer tolerate her BS. She wasn't all that bad, great tits and a little chubby, but her face man, her face :mad:
So right now, the only sexy time I'm getting is from one of my EXes (who isn't that bad, but it's getting a little boring)
Was it like fucking a stuffed animal?
Also when I usd to have this recordinng studio I would sell coke out of it (hypothetically
I was working a retail chain when I was 17 and I would get a 15 min break everyday. I'd rush to taco bell in the same parking lot, get two tacos just meat cheese and sour creme. Rush to eat it, get a free drink, and smoke a cigarette on the way walking back to work.
Since this was all the time, this girl that worked there began to notice. She seemed cute, about 5' nice personality, cute face, etc. So she starts giving them to me for free, even having them ready for me when I showed up, knowing I'd be there. One day she says to me, "I've been buying you lunch everyday for a month, how about buying me dinner?" We exchanged numbers and at the end of the week I texted her to see if she was free for Friday. She was.
I ventured out across a few towns and got to her house. She gets in. Hmm. She was really short so I never got to see her full body, it was covered because she was behind the counter. She looked okay, a bit thicker than I go for. Whatever, let's see what happens.
We get to my boy's party and my boys are doggin her, so i'm like alright she aint bad. Something about her just left me put off though. I think God was tapping on my shoulder, foreshadowing the horror ahead. I started pounding drinks knowing for well what I was getting in to. Fast forward a bit, I'm hammered, I use the magical line of 2006 "Want to goto my house and watch family guy?" Bam. I'm in.
We get back to my house and start hooking up, Now this is where things take a turn for the worst. I take her shirt off, and her skin, it has a greenish tinge. A pale, corpse like color. It feels leathery, but slimy kinda. Like she had a faint sweat over her entire body. Fuck it. I take her bra off, I'm kissing her breasts and I see them. Giant nipples, almost covering the entirety of the bottom her breast. They're a terrible color and her breasts themselves are triangular, like traffic cones. Fuck it. I start fingering her and it just feels weird. Not wide, just deep. I get my pants off and enter it. Fuck it.
What happened I can not understand, I don't know this girl's anatomy. As I said, she felt really deep. The best way to describe it was like, Taking a step into a long hallway rather than a closet. I could just feel the unending tunnel. A hollow feeling. As I worked myself harder, I felt a wetness on my lower body. I'm thinking, damn I'm really turning this girl on. I stop, look down and somehow, one of my balls is inside of her. I'm all the way inside of her and so is one of my balls, it got vacuumed in somehow. It was so weird, I didn't want to finish, but I had to for the story. Anyway, I finished up, came on her face (first time I ever did that, because I used to respect girls), and drove her home.
That story aside, I have a hierarchy for this shit.
Like I'd hookup with a girl I wouldn't get head from (sounds weird? it is.), get head from a girl I wouldn't fuck, and fuck a girl I wouldn't date.
oh my god.......
I just take what I want. I have no desire for fatties, unhealthy women, and women who don't look after themselves. Basically any woman that wouldn't make a good mother or produce a good kid is a no no. Must be curvy/wide hips. No other race but caucasoid.
Although in my past I did fuck a tranny, years ago when I was 18; mainly because "she" acted, looked, sounded and dressed more feminine than the neo-feminists who live around my area; and I had moved out of my mother's. I can see why men would be physically attracted to a good looking tranny, especially considering how hard a lot of women try to act like to men, even the ugliest of women will be stuck so far up their own ass these days and think they're the SHIT.
Needless to say, all I did was meet "her" in a bar, "she" was wearing a neck tie very similar to this, we got chatting, had a few drinks, well a lot of drinks; went back to "her" apartment and did some lines of cocaine. Her apartment was a dark red color, funky patterned curtains to match it, nice shag carpetting which felt brilliant on your feet, and a lava lamp to add up to the laid back atmosphere. "She" offered to give me a massage and was very good at it, got topless, had a cracking pair of tits and started giving me head, which "she" was very good at; then told me "she" wanted to go futher but had to tel...uhmm show me something. By this time I didn't give a shit, I just said I wasn't sucking dick and wasn't getting fucked in the ass. I did a little bit of teasing, smooching, sucking on "her" tits, getting my dick sucked and my ass licked (feels good, man) and me fucking "her" in the ass.
Was much tighter than when I'd fucked other girls and my mom in the ass. Ended up passing out, getting made breakfast the next morning, left and we'd seen each other a few other occassions at the same bar and got chatting. Funnily enough "she" was racist then when I couldn't come to terms with the fact that I was too.
Never again, it wasn't for me then and it's certainly not now.
Not to mention I see transsexualism as unnatural, however it's not entirely unnatural for a man to be attracted to one, since a great deal of them are actually more feminine than most women these days, which goes to show you how fucked society is. In the sense of procreation it is unnatural; however people are free to do as they please, as long as it's not force fed, they don't expect special privledges and help and would be best for them to go to a community where they are truly accepted and wanted, amongst their own kind and be free. I may sound like a hypocrite but that's the way I see it and feel now.
You learn from your experiences and as time goes on. That's all I can say. I won't be dishonest about my past.
Everything about a woman is sexy. The shape of their body, the feel of their hair, the smell of their pussy, their hips, dat ass, breasts, their voice, those lips, hairless, smooth, everything.
ur a fag bro
Yeah no shit. I'm not even attracted to trannies, what I'm saying is I could see why some men would be considering a lot of women try to act like, dress like, talk like and sometimes look like men.
Until she took her panties off you couldn't even tell. That's the weird thing.
One "gay" experience doesn't make me a fag. I'm married with kids now.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leck_mich_im_Arsch I want to get laid to this.
I'm glad you turned out okay
I was at this party once and this white girl (I'm usually of the latina persuasion) wasn't too bad looking but was certainly on the thick side. She was blonde and had a pretty flat belly but wiiiiiiiiiide hips and a sweet plump ass to go along with her thick thighs.
Nice girl. So I meet her and talk to her at odd points throughout the party. I'm a clueless motherfucker so I didn't quite observe she was coming on to me. So here she is, giving me vodka and taking shots with me. In the morning I loled as I realized she got me drunk. So the house party goes on and its around 4 or 5 and people start choosing where theyre going to sleep. Were lying together chilling and shes obviously into me. We move onto a lazy boy and then lights out since everyone decided to sleep. So we start making out, though its closer to eating each others faces as we were both pretty well toasted. She gets on top of me and begins grinding as I lick her small but perky tits. The whole time the other people sleeping around the living room are giggling at our sloppy sounds. And then... I stop.
I freak. I was a virgin at the time and realized
a) I didn't want to do it like this. I wanted to lose it to someone I cared about.
b) I would feel guilty since I didn't want to tell my ex at the time who I was kind of messing around and experimenting with.
c) I didn't know if I could keep it up being both drunk and nervous.
So I say, drunkenly "Uh...no...I don't think I can do this"
She tells me we don't have to fuck. Lets go to the side room in the house and she'll...uh...help me out.
I said no....and then passed out.
I felt like such a moron for so many reasons as my head pounded the next morning.
So to answer the question, I usually like a bit of thickness in my women. Nothing unhealthy but some girls wear it well. Ugliness and stupidity is much harder to consider...
At least you didn't embarrass yourself by cumming in 2 seconds. That would've been even worse.
Virginity is something to get rid of ASAP. Especially for a dude.
lol I remember that episode.
Sure, but I DEFINITELY don't regret my decisions in terms of virginity and sex dude.
Then the third.
And fourth.
Then finally I managed to get my shit together and get rid of my nervousness.
It was pretty awesome after that.
I was nervous at first too. The thing I had to remember was to not freak out about it. Yeah it's kind of embarrassing, but that shit happens. I got over it fast, and then never had any problems.
Christ, its nice to not feel like you're the only one.
The whole way back to my place she's saying all kinds of stupid shit as she's a little drunk, and I'm trying to not get pulled over, cause she's pretty young, drunk, and I don't know her to well. Finally, we get back to my place. We have a couple beers, and then go to my bedroom. We laid there for a bit talking, and then got down to business. She gave great head, and then I went to put on a condom. She told me I didn't have to wear one, but fuck that shit. I wore one. Then I proceeded to fuck the living shit out of this girl. I slapped her around, made her bag, and degraded her every way I could think of. I finished off by laying her on her back and fucking her throat. Then I made her beg for me to cum in her mouth, and then blew a huge load. Had to have been the dirties depraved sex I've ever had.
Woke up to her the next day. I made her sleep in a sleeping bag instead of under my blankets, as she had black marker on her, and my sheets were white. Got her ass up, and drove her home. She only had boxers and a T-shirt on when I picked her up, but she had to go to her parents house. So we stopped at a second hand store, where she stole some clothes, lol. Took her home, dropped her off at the end of the block, and never looked back.
I also fucked this woman in her 40's out of pity once. Booked it soon after I filled her pussy. I had a gay moment once too, which led me to realize I'm definitely not gay. I still sit back to this day and laugh at my shananigans. I have more stories about crazy adventures, but these are the dark secret ones that I don't share, except anonymously with you guys.
Epic fucking win.
Get out there and get laid. Then report back.
Motherfucking this. No wonder his username is Master.
But sadly I don't have any stories for this thread
you know MTV is BRINGIN THE BOYS BACK! Beavis and Butthead are coming back
One time i fucked a mentally retarded girl.... We were at a graduation party for her cousin or whatever.... Anyways, she was sitting at a table afew away from the one i was at just watching me the whole time. When i was eating, got up to walk around, talked to people, just pretty much everything i did she saw.... So anyway, i went into the woods to go piss and she followed me. I was going by a tree when i heard something, turned around quick, ended up pissing on my leg and almost getting cought in my zipper! I started walking back but she moved in my way looking down. I thought she was staring at my leg you know, cause of the "accident" i had. But then she just grabs my belt and pants with one hand and stuck her other hand down my pants and starting playing with me.... I could not stand to look at her though. Idk what was wrong with her but she looked like alotta other people ive seen with the same face.... But yeah, she had an alright body ass and big saggy boobs so i was grabbing those while looking at the sky. She started trying to pull my pants down but couldnt so i did, then pulled hers down too to find that she had no panties on! And, no hair!!!..... But it smelled like something a dead animal so yeah, i did NOT LICK THAT.... And i was adraid shed bite me so i didnt get a bj.... I just turned her around, bent her over, grabbed her hips and stuck it in.... No condom either.... Pulled it out, came on her ass, pulled my pants up, and left her there bent over half naked and everything.
I've never been with anyone I didn't find attractive, then again, I am a girl and we tend to be pickier then men.
CatchMeIfYouCan, I'd be traumatized for life if I were you, let alone tell my story in a public forum!