Right, so I will try and construct this argument as well as possible. Hear me out.
The hate/rage from "The Joys of Teen Sex" here in the UK continues through my veins, as girls are convinced they must have FF tits, blonde hair, skinny bodies and long legs. On top of that, a waxed fanny, no beef curtains and perfectly sized nipples. Then comes the shoes, expensive handbags, clothes which make you look like a slut and the slow realisation that...
A) They have no independence
As much as they complain about guys and hiw men "force" them to look like that, they crave douchebags who just throw the stereotype even further.
In short, if you don't agree with women looking like sluts, then at least stop complaining if you look like one! Not all guys are turned on by models. In fact, some of the girls who do topless shoots do nothing for me. An honest, down to earth girl who is confident and happy with herself is the ultimate turn-on. Not some fake, paper thin bitch who's only source of personality and intellect comes from Perez Hilton or the odd flick through a lad's mag.
Seriously girls. Fuck making guys happy, make yourselves happy...then impart your shit on us.
But look on the bright side, at least 70% of women haven't yet got into vajazzling.
Love it!