I so wanna go there.:cool:
There's a cave in France where no humans have been in 26,000 years. The walls are full of fantastic, perfectly-preserved paintings of animals, ending in a chamber full of monsters 1312-feet underground, where CO2 and radon gas concentrations provoke
hallucinations. It's called the the
Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave, a really weird and mysterious place. The walls contain hundreds of animals—like the typical Paleolithic horses and bisons—but some of them are
not supposed to be there, like lions, panthers, rhinos and hyenas.
A few are not even supposed to exist, like weird butterflyish animals or chimerical figures half bison half woman. These may be linked to the hallucinations. The trip is such that some archeologists think that it had a ritual nature, with people transcending into a new state as they descended into the final room.
In fact, the paintings themselves are of such sophistication—some even have three-dimensional relief—that is hard to believe they were made back then. However, radiocarbon dating shows that these paintings are indeed prehistoric: A group was made around 27,000-26,000 years ago and the other at 32,000-30,000 years ago.
The cave first discovered in 1994 by three French speleologists: Eliette Brunel-Deschamps, Christian Hillaire, and Jean-Marie Chauvet.
And why does it remind you of House Of Leaves?
It really makes you wonder, why all those years ago, why did man go there? Imagine the supplies of wood and tar fuel they would have to take to get down there and draw. The hardship and fear that they must have faced getting down there. Why draw those things as deep in the cave as that rather than all of the way down?
I know man is a natural explorer, but were we running away from something, or towards something?
A quick background to the last ice age
Maybe with the gasses in there and the halucinations they caused, they thought it was some holy place and they were getting closer to their gods.
Edit: Click "visit the cave" on the bottom left and you can see different pictures of the cave and a walkthrough as well.
I am very interested in this and Looking more into it.
I would love to explore this place myself one day.
Radon huffing is retarded because it does not cause anything but cancer.
CO2 on the otherhand is more interesting, as in fucking awesome-just look up Carbogen
[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbogen"]Carbogen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]