Yeeeahhhh... I've not owned a console since Sega Genisis, and pretty much only play games on the computer anyhow. But I think I'm going to buy a Ps3... for one game.
Actually, it's kind of sad the only reason I'm even considering it is for fucking Little Big Planet :facepalm:. I'm a grown ass man, and still liked playing that game quite a bit the few times I have. I've played it at a friends house a , and she said she has the new one and it's fucking sweet.
My tax return is going to be pretty fat, so it's not like I'll be missing my hard earned monies. I may buy FIFA or something too. The only games that are utter shit on computer compared to consoles are sports games. And I miss playing soccer and hockey games.
Yeah, even though I'm usually very uninterested by those types of games, this review of it actually made me want to play it.
I know I'd probably get pissed off and rage quit because I like playing games primarily when I'm fucked up... but still, looks neat.
EDIT: This is the video I was thinking of. I guess by now It's obviously I only like reviews that are sprinkled with either offensive cynical commentary, or some other kind of odd humor I don't know what to call. I probably like this review because it reminds me of a pot head friend I have and can usually make me laugh.
and then Video Pinball, along with Infiltrate, DigDug, Atlantis, and Cosmic ark. then had a Super Nintendo, and my favorite games were Super Mario All-stars, Contra III, and Sparkster. For the Nintendo 64 my favorites were Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, and The New Tetris. I recently purchased a Nintendo Gamecube, but I don't really have a favorite game for it, although I kind of like Splinter Cell and Luigi's Mansion. I also found an original Gameboy at a salvation army store for $2.50 that was paired with Legend of Zelda, but I don't use it much as some of the LCD doesn't work. Sorry for the Drunk Ramble.
Fuck I have that game. Shit was hard as fuck, I only made it to the castle level without cheating.
I remember assuming that The Simpsons Wrestling game for PS1 would be amazing because it had The Simpsons in it... I was terribly wrong.
I remember learning that lesson with the first Simpsons game I played. Haha. NEVER AGAIN.
But meh. It's not like I don't have the money. And I liked LBP when I played it as does my girlfriend who I live with. So it would be something for both of us to do. I just put off a console for so long as I wasn't home 99% of the time until last year, and none of the games that were on consoles exclusively really appealed to me. LBP was about it, but there may be a few more now. Who knows. I hate hate hate paying 60 dollars for a damned game I'll get bored of in a week.
"Another bowl/pill?"
"Nah, brain. Not today"
"But it's Wednesday!"
"Ah what the hell..."