Gunna give this one a go, seen it on some other big name game forums and it usually turns out pretty fun. If you guys aren't keen for it and it doesn't get many replies I'll just let it die..
Rules are pretty simple, guess what game it is in the post above you. Don't post a new picture unless it's been confirmed by someone that you were correct!
And NO FUCKING CHEATING :MAD: That means looking at the links. Be honorable! Let it begin.
Oh that one is so hard.. Pacman obviously. Spose I'll post another then.. time for things to get more difficult.
Close enough, it was Battletoads: Battlemaniacs from the SNES.
Wanna add a new one?
EDIT: I'll add another seeing as the other user is offline. Please remember guys, if you are going to answer something, you must post a new picture for people to guess at.
Ocarina of Time.
Lets see here......
Killer Instinct
Talon was always my favorite.
No cheating.
Arts Spot.
Kirby nigga.
kirby on nes or snes.
Lulz I was gonna say Hello Kitty Island Adventure
And system.
Edit: Gradius, not Gladius :facepalm:
Here's one:
New one:
Oh shit. I never noticed that...
It's Blaster Master, for the NES
gta: Sa?
Gotta be vice city.
The Suffering.
Ace combat 3?
It isnt silent thunder is it?
No dude. :facepalm:
An N64 "classic"...
My god I used to have that game too. I played it all the time...Airforce Delta Storm!
Fucking loved that game.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Dude, you didn't change the image name .
So... Battle Tanx - Global Assault.
Remember to change image names!
I won't answer because I cheated but it's easy to google the name on display there and find out the answer.
Rise of the Triad
Nobody answered mine yet so I'll repost:
Looks like it's for CDI or something? I dunno I never owned one of those...
It's an old PC Classic
Death Jr.
Mayberry, I give up!!! Tell us the game.
No, I'm not giving it away that easi... alright fine.
King's Quest VI. From a classic adventure series that helped put Sierra on the map.
The picture I posted is part of the Isle of Wonder, a great place to visit if you're tripping