Are they profitable? Theoretically, one could make much more money, because it is possible to buy huge numbers of stocks. Even small increases in price result is massive gains. However, I've heard that they are also extremely risky, and most will go out of business in a matter of days. What's your perspective on the risk vs. potential reward?
Companies with small amounts of equity have a harder time surviving.
You can't invest .10 in the stock market you twit.
Its a bit hard to generalize about them, as with all securities you have to look on it compared to other comapnies in the same industry, price range, and general market trends. I've made a fair bit of money on a few penny stocks, however you really need to pick them and choose them and do your research combined with due diligence and proper analysis.
The question you're asking isn't one that can be answered, its like asking are stocks at price range x profitable?
Penny stocks shouldn't even be considered by someone new to the market, micro-caps are far too volatile, even those that are listed on reputable exchanges(many penny stocks are traded OTC) to make them worthwhile unless you have a very large, diverse portfolio and can afford to take on such risks.
So basically, the only way to succeed trading penny stocks is with extensive research and stock trading experience. And even then they are still more risky than more expensive stocks. I think I need to learn more about stocks before I do some retarded shit . Thanks for your help:)
And I'm 100% serious. A great starter.
I caught a jayhawk and a nexmed :P
Seriously, I forgot who he was so if any of you know...
Also, PennyStocks aren't profitable, they're the bastard brother of actual stocks.
You lucky bastard :mad:
If you want to make lots of money on something with small returns, you'd have to invest a lot of money.
However there are needles in the haystack and if you find one place heavy bets don't short change it because you will be kicking yourself.
Look at the Charts of thompson creek metals (TC) it traded at 2 dollars for a while its not penny it still meets the definition of a penny stock.
What's with the sig?
You a Juche-Communist now?