Juggalos are actually pretty cool. I used to hate them as well. But I've chilled with enough of them since I live in Michigan, and they're the most down to earth people. I just don't like a lot of their music, but whatever.
Juggalos are actually pretty cool. I used to hate them as well. But I've chilled with enough of them since I live in Michigan, and they're the most down to earth people. I just don't like a lot of their music, but whatever.
ya ppl who give up there lifes 2 pante there fase like a clown cus they think its cool r rly down 2 earth and ya im bill g8s and the sky is green! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o:o:o
Ive never met a juggalo that wasn't morbidly obese and retarded.
Who care's? The ones I know at least are pretty respectable people, and their's plenty of juggalos who come from every walk of life. Not all of them are stupid or obese. It's just the music they like, that's all.
ya ppl who give up there lifes 2 pante there fase like a clown cus they think its cool r rly down 2 earth and ya im bill g8s and the sky is green! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shit's fucking gay.
I never realised how much juggalo music I actually quite like though.
You're DirtySanchez aren't you. Otherwise you suck his dick so much that you're starting to post like him.
Who care's? The ones I know at least are pretty respectable people, and their's plenty of juggalos who come from every walk of life. Not all of them are stupid or obese. It's just the music they like, that's all.