Ever since I was born I have had an intense phobia of wasps, and during the spring/summer months I pretty much never leave my house til it gets dark outside, I have to go to work, or I'm out of booze. I can't even go out to smoke a cigarette(thank god for my electric cigarette) during the day because no matter how many people I'm with, the fucking wasps/yellow jackets or whatever gravitate towards me and fuck with me. Now I have 2 nests being built in my backyard.

I'm not freaked out by anything else, but its just something about those wasp motherfuckers that fucks with my head. Anyone else have/used to have a phobia of wasps(Spheksophobia)? If you overcame it what did you do?
Can't wait for the sun to go down so I can make those fuckers huff raid!!!!
I'll play your game. I hate spiders, like Im not bitch around them
but i fucking hate them. I want to kill em all. Its not hardcore phobia
Most spiders don't bother me at all, you can kill them easily, plus they can't fly after you, plus one time I saw a spider totally rape a wasp after it got caught in its web. Black Widows and Brown Recluses are bastards though.
Last time you did DXM right?
No, was the last time I did benadryl.
Fuck off wasps.
makes me feel like the end of times...Thats how many there are. lol i just hate it when they land on me.
I have a solution as I had a similar situation once where the surrounding area was too flamable.
Couple of cans of
and one of these with a few bolts.
Works quite well if you get the cans of wasp killer in the right place. I fucked up a big underground nest once with that. With underground nests, it pays to put a bit of petrol in, then a little more and let the fumes get around the nest.
Then light it. It fucks it up like an earthquake, shocking everything to death in the nest.
With yours, maybe tell some kids it is a pinata?
As poetic as that is, if that was the longest 20 seconds of your life, you have a lot to learn. Go to the hospital and find someone in their last hours of life and hold their hand.
HAHA WTF that was the gayest shit I've ever heard.
I can see the reply now
The reply is; you should get over the things that do not have an impact, learn about those that do and learn how to overcome the ones you think you cannot overcome.
If you think I am going to write you some gay pornography just because I am a male, you are sadly mistaken.
How come you are a demi mod? What the fuck do you actually know?
Your grandpa is a boss.
he was a g. :thumbsup:
this time it's not for huffing
I've done that with a few yellow jacket nests like this:
Works everytime, and it's badass to watch because some of them will fly out of the nest trying to escape while they are still on fire, getting burnt to crisp. It's pretty kew.
Off topic: Those two that are peeping out look like they are ready to fuck someone up. Watch out, Philosoraptor.
just make sure to buy a zapper with a high voltage ac transformer inside rather than a dc cap setup, vastly more powerful effective and impressive looking.
Raid is bad for you bro; use a flamethrower... Fighting those black n yellow bastards is one of the legit reasons why they're legal in the US...
And ftr, I hate White Anglo-Saxon Protestants too