I propose to reach new realms of reality, new dimensions that humanity has never experienced over the next 48 hours.
This is based on the fact that I am wasting time until the fedex distribution center opens up over the easter weekend.
I have liberated a fair amount of cough syrup that will easily send me to the 5th plateau (which I've been to before) however, I am willing to stay there until fedex opens on saturday. I will completely have the ability to take a taxi cab, or even my own car (with a hilarious video recording) to the drug store to get more cough syrup until I can receive my perfectly legal package (take that, fedaralos)
Of course, the only reason why I choose cough syrup is because
a.)liquor stores are not open
b.)the fascinating dextromorphic effects on the human mind, that have the ability to send someone to another dimension
of course, this entails possibly one of the most interesting experiments that totse.info has ever seen, into the unseen multidimensional nature of our reality, accessible by drugs.
side note: must not disclose official amount of fifth plateau dosage, for it may disclose security details
I also approximate an hour until I am able to reach the "other dimension" , that I have reached before on the fifth plateau.
(i.e.-out of body experiences, third person perspective, journeying to other realms)
+10 mins : aleady feeling like a dali lama
Second, Cough syrup is terrible for you.
Third, What is in the mail?
Second: anon.
Journal update: Evocation ritual , preparing entry into the fourth, and eventual fifth realm
physical body: elaborations to the vibratory realm
etherical body: tingling haze
sure whatever bro
^^this. well at least he died an honorable death like Jimi Hendrix. Belly up with a bunch of vomit drying in his esophagus
Last time I did DXM, I swallowed 4 bottles of gels. I didn't even throw up. 600mgs aint shit. I've also taken 1 1/2 grams of pure DXM.
shit man that is a lot of DXM. ive never been a big DXM guy cuz it almost always makes me sick. for me 600 mgs was alot haha. but hes usin syrup which has got all kinds of other shit in it. i dont even want to know how much he drank
Pure Dex is amazing compared to everything else. Theres something in the inactive ingredient of gels and zicam that makes you fuckered up. I don't even get hangovers from the pure shit. Even an extraction is better than store products.
See http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dxm/faq/dxm_chemistry.shtml#toc.11.1.3
oh ya my bad
ya this. all jokes aside people dyin really aint that cool. unless its justin bieber
The higher ups are having a dispute about what im going to do, but they know it would cause a shit storm if they brought attention to all of this. they will not proceed. if they do, i will reveal the true nature of the higher ups. If they choose to pursue me, I may reveal the true nature and workings behind the scenes where I'm from
Mate, you make me want to do drugs lol!!!