I am alerted the authorities to yor terrible website. Every single one of you is going to the big house fo r the entirety of your lifes for your sins. Your actions here are immorla and against the law. May god havemercy on your tortured souls.
I am alerted the authorities to yor terrible website. Every single one of you is going to the big house fo r the entirety of your lifes for your sins. Your actions here are immorla and against the law. May god havemercy on your tortured souls.
I hope you spell checked anything you typed to them.
But against the law? No, sir. I have not committed a single offense here on this forum. In fact, I dare to say you'd be hard pressed to find anybody who has committe a single offense on this forum. Some of them were stupid enought to admit to crimes they did IRL on here, but nobody has actually done a crime on here.
I am alerted the authorities to yor terrible website. Every single one of you is going to the big house fo r the entirety of your lifes for your sins. Your actions here are immorla and against the law. May god havemercy on your tortured souls.
I could give you a lecture on freedom of speech and how the police won't arrest us for anything we post here. Or I could tell you to suck my balls. I think I'll go for the latter.
i am alerted the authorities to yor terrible website. Every single one of you is going to the big house fo r the entirety of your lifes for your sins. Your actions here are immorla and against the law. May god havemercy on your tortured souls.
I am alerted the authorities to yor terrible website. Every single one of you is going to the big house fo r the entirety of your lifes for your sins. Your actions here are immorla and against the law. May god havemercy on your tortured souls.
You need to get your head checked just to see if mental retardation runs in your family.
Go back to school and take English again, or just wait till you are old enough to get into English class.
There is a program that can reveal in vbulletin...boards the real ip's of users if they log in through proxies. It's free and easy to be used, I suggest you install it Dfg, it's just a code I think.
I hope you spell checked anything you typed to them.
But against the law? No, sir. I have not committed a single offense here on this forum. In fact, I dare to say you'd be hard pressed to find anybody who has committe a single offense on this forum. Some of them were stupid enought to admit to crimes they did IRL on here, but nobody has actually done a crime on here.
Freedom of speech, ya know.
I could give you a lecture on freedom of speech and how the police won't arrest us for anything we post here. Or I could tell you to suck my balls. I think I'll go for the latter.
SUCK my balls!
Sniff? I got a LUNG FULL of failtroll reek :thumbsup:
You need to get your head checked just to see if mental retardation runs in your family.
Go back to school and take English again, or just wait till you are old enough to get into English class.
Oh yeah, STFU.
Our sins are more interesting than this thread.
Gota practice Shank making. There should be a guide for it. O and Toilet wine. Keester stashing you name it. gota be ahead of the game people.
I smell a church burning down in the near future.
Already have