Probably around 3000. I'm on a low-carb diet. Losing weight while eating tons of veggies and meats. Also dairy. It's workin', and I feel like I'm actually in decent health, too. Gonna get blood test for cholesterol levels next month.
More recently, probably less than 800. Not really doing it on purpose, but had a lot of terrible shit happen in my life lately, and I either cope by eating way too much, or not eating much at all, so yeah...
Also the diet pills I'm downing in order to be able to stay awake may contribute to the loss of appetite...
^same, around that. Fuck health food with its low calorie content. I can't fucking put on weight for shit and i work out a ton. If i ate fast food every day i would feel like shit but i would be stronger...hmm let me consider this
not really, i just space the meals to make sure i can finish them and i also have to force feed sometimes wish is basically ignoring the fact that you aren't at all hungry and keep chewing the food anyway and then sending it in.
its a fine art doing it at intervals just right so you dont throw up
sometimes you gotta put on weight quick so thats why
also its not something that you do overnight, if you normally do 2000-3000 you gotta grow your stomach first so you can fit 6 in, and you do that by drinking a lot while you eat the meal to stretch the stomach. dont worry it can go back to normal size if you want it to.
obviously im talking 6.000 in healthy and normal food which is a lot of work to get to, not fucking ice cream and peanut butter
Uh, no, that's not how the body works. That's a myth fat people (especially Americans) use to justify over-consumption.
Well, it would make a shitload of sense for it to... it's a survival mechanism. But you're right. Of course. Because the human body doesn't have any decent techniques to keep someone from starving to death, I forgot how stupid the human design is. :facepalm:
It makes sense, and it doesn't justify ANYTHING. If you're overeating, you're still overeating even if this is true. And if you're under-eating, you're under-eating. Period. That's just how it is.
Right, it makes sense, especially when you consider that +1,000 calorie diets are luxuries which have only been around for the past 60-70 years.
And where are you getting your information? I'm not sure that's entirely accurate... it seems like other animals have more calories than that in their diet, so even humans hundreds of years ago, would probably be able to get more than 1000 calories through the means that every other animal ever has. =/
And where are you getting your information? I'm not sure that's entirely accurate... it seems like other animals have more calories than that in their diet, so even humans hundreds of years ago, would probably be able to get more than 1000 calories through the means that every other animal ever has. =/
Nothing you're saying makes any sense at all...
Other animals get more calories than that, such as cows, horses, etc. This is because they have digestive systems capable of handling pounds and pounds of meat, hay, grass, etc. Mankind, prior to the industrial revolution, often didn't eat for days on end. Read about the diets of primitive people. Even in western civilization, up in to the early 20th century, most people lived off of scrap. The average ancient Greek lived off of a diet of bread and wine. Everyone who talks about non-existent "starvation mode" is a fat prick trying to justify their un-natural, gluttonous ways.
Other animals get more calories than that, such as cows, horses, etc. This is because they have digestive systems capable of handling pounds and pounds of meat, hay, grass, etc. Mankind, prior to the industrial revolution, often didn't eat for days on end. Read about the diets of primitive people. Even in western civilization, up in to the early 20th century, most people lived off of scrap. The average ancient Greek lived off of a diet of bread and wine. Everyone who talks about non-existent "starvation mode" is a fat prick trying to justify their un-natural, gluttonous ways.
And you just proved my point. Without such mechanisms, all humans would have starved to death. So yeah, you're an idiot. This is exactly WHY our metabolism slows down when we don't eat a certain number of calories, so that humans didn't die out. Geez, you think you would have realized this sooner. :rolleyes: You're now giving information that proves fanglekai's original point. XD
Oh for the love of god you fucking fat bitch, you gluttonous whore, do you have any idea just how long it takes for a human to die of starvation? It takes weeks and weeks of eating no food at all. 800 calories is a luxurious diet for anyone on Earth. There is no "starvation mode", you just have a shitty ass endocrine system. and, most importantly, no discipline. Fucking repulsive!
Oh for the love of god you fucking fat bitch, you gluttonous whore, do you have any idea just how long it takes for a human to die of starvation? It takes weeks and weeks of eating no food at all. 800 calories is a luxurious diet for anyone on Earth. There is no "starvation mode", you're just a fat bitch with a shitty ass endocrine system trying to justify your disgusting eating habits.
Uh, yeah. Gluttounous. Haven't eaten in a few days, but yeah, whatever...
But you've clearly missed basic health lessons. "Starvation mode" are the bodies defenses AGAINST starvation. They are the very reason it takes someone WEEKS to die of starvation. It takes calories to do everyday activities, just for the body to keep going, and it's not bad to have a bit of store, therefore with diets under 1200 calories you see a great decrease in metabolism as the body tries to preserve enough calories to keep a person alive during the "famine" for as long as they can.
You're literally posting fact after fact that proves fanglekai right, you know... I mean, maybe you should look something up before you argue that it doesn't exist. Without these natural measures being taken by the body, a human could survive maybe a week or so without food. These are the measures that make it possible for humans to survive long periods without food.
You're kind of fucking stupid as hell. And you know, I'd rather be fat than stupid. I can lose weight. Stupid lasts forever.
Where exactly did I prove myself wrong? You are saying that eating 500-800 calories a day is enough to slow the metabolism and induce some sort of medically unidentified, factually unsubstantiated "starvation mode", when in fact 500-800 calories a day is not even nearly close to "famine" conditions nor was this type of diet unusual in pre-industrial societies. You say that when I say you could go two months without eating and live I am proving myself wrong, how is that so? You could go two months without eating because you, Namaste, are a physical monstrosity. 100 years ago you would have been a public freak. You have enough fat stored around on your frame that your body could survive off of it for God knows how long. This has nothing to do with your metabolism or "starvation mode". But never mind that, it's not like I could know what I am talking about. It's not like you might have some sort of a bias towards defending a gluttonous, unnatural lifestyle. You clearly are not addicted to food. Everyone should take the lardass 17 year old girl's world for it. She took a "health lesson".
Where exactly did I prove myself wrong? You are saying that eating 500-800 calories a day is enough to slow the metabolism and induce some sort of medically unidentified, factually unsubstantiated "starvation mode", when in fact 500-800 calories a day is not even nearly close to "famine" conditions nor was this type of diet unusual in pre-industrial societies. You say that when I say you could go two months without eating and live I am proving myself wrong, how is that so? You could go two months without eating because you, Namaste, are a physical monstrosity. 100 years ago you would have been a public freak. You have enough fat stored around on your frame that your body could survive off of it for God knows how long. This has nothing to do with your metabolism or "starvation mode". But never mind that, it's not like I could know what I am talking about. It's not like you might have some sort of a bias toward defending a gluttonous, unnatural lifestyle. You are clearly addicted to food. Everyone should take the lardass 17 year old girl's world for it. She took a "health lesson".
Because everything you said about human beings not being able to eat the way they do now, proves that there must be some sort of protection against starvation, or the human race would be extinct. Seriously, it takes a lot of energy just to LIVE. Not to mention if you do any activity what-so-ever, that takes energy as well. Our bodies burn calories for energy. They have to pull those from food or fat stores in our body. If the human metabolism didn't slow down and do all it can to build up it's stores and keep a person alive, then humans couldn't have POSSIBLY survived as a species. It just couldn't have happened.
You're just picking on me because you suddenly realized how stupid you are, and you're getting defensive. It's kind of hilarious.
Yes, because I forgot addicts go to great lengths to avoid the thing they're addicted to. :facepalm: I forgot that gluttonous meant restricting food intake to the bare minimum...
I mean, you're just making shit up now to try and make me feel bad by calling me names and all that, but really, it doesn't bother me, and if you knew anything about me, you'd know it has NO basis what-so-ever in reality...
Honestly, I'm sort of living proof such things exist. I fast for long periods of time, and restrict a great deal. But you say I'm a physical monstrosity... you saying that proves I'm fat, and knowing my true lifestyle, proves me right.
Sorry, you're just a dumbass. Better luck next time, loser! XD
Holy fuck, what is it going to take for me to convince your fucktarded ass that 800 calories a day is NOWHERE NEAR starvation??????
No one said it was, dumbass. :facepalm:
But eating that little prepares your body for possible starvation, because it's a necessary precaution, and without it, the human race would have died out long ago. "Starvation mode" is what people call such things, but it by no means means you're ACTUALLY starving at that point, it's preparation for doing so. Especially since most people burn more than 800 calories a day just by living.
Right, you said eating less than 1200 calories a day is enough to provoke "starvation mode". You even had the audacity to claim that "most doctors" encourage this bullshit. As if 800 wasn't high enough, LMFAO!
Right, you said eating less than 1200 calories a day is enough to provoke "starvation mode". You even had the audacity to claim that "most doctors" encourage this bullshit. As if 800 wasn't high enough, LMFAO!
1200 is what doctors will tell you. Most humans actually burn way more than 1200 a day, on average, just by living. You like... really need to take a science lesson or something. You're so stupid it's ridiculous. And really sad...
In 1950 a study was done, a very notorious Minnesota Semistarvation Study. ~40 young, healthy, lean men were put on what is considered a 'semi starvation diet', meaning less than 50% of their BMR caloric needs per day for 6 months. Their BMR dropped to about ~50% of what it had been. They did loose some muscle, but overall they lost mostly fat until their bodies reached the critical 5% body fat (critical amount of fat needed by males).
Did you read that, Namaste? Half a fucking year of eating less than what I suggested might lower your metabolic rate by 50%. That's what you call "(semi)starvation mode". Stupid assholes like you should be killed. Believe it or not, you actually won't turn in to a popsicle and die if you eat 1200 calories a day.
At this point, you're just too stupid for me not to feel like super bad for you. So yeah. Keep saying whatever stupid ass shit you want.
I'm not stupid. You are. And I can't eat less than nothing, and I've actually never had a twinkie in my life that I remember, so yeah, you're an idiot.
Hey Namaste, how does it feel to be an anti-Semitic prick? Your "starvation mode" hogwash is one of the stupidest forms of Holocaust denial I have ever heard of. Let me guess, all them thar Jews was getting liposuction in Auschwitz?
hey namaste, how does it feel to be an anti-semitic prick? Your "starvation mode" hogwash is one of the stupidest forms of holocaust denial i have ever heard of. Let me guess, all them thar jews was getting liposuction in auschwitz?
May I ask how you meet your targets? I find it almost impossible to gain weight unless I gorge myself constantly. I would really appreciate if you could direct me to a good meal structure..
May I ask how you meet your targets? I find it almost impossible to gain weight unless I gorge myself constantly. I would really appreciate if you could direct me to a good meal structure..
I gained 50 pounds in 6 months (I needed it, I was severely underweight) by doing what Oink The Pig is doing. Eat every 2 hours, start with small meals. Eat when you're not hungry. Drink caloric drinks. Make smoothies or milkshakes or protein drinks. Eat lots of protein. Have some fruits and veggies every day, but go all out on heavy carbs and protein. Eventually you'll be cruising at around 3000-4000 calories a day.
Also the diet pills I'm downing in order to be able to stay awake may contribute to the loss of appetite...
You must be hungry brah;)
not really, i just space the meals to make sure i can finish them and i also have to force feed sometimes wish is basically ignoring the fact that you aren't at all hungry and keep chewing the food anyway and then sending it in.
its a fine art doing it at intervals just right so you dont throw up
sometimes you gotta put on weight quick so thats why
also its not something that you do overnight, if you normally do 2000-3000 you gotta grow your stomach first so you can fit 6 in, and you do that by drinking a lot while you eat the meal to stretch the stomach. dont worry it can go back to normal size if you want it to.
obviously im talking 6.000 in healthy and normal food which is a lot of work to get to, not fucking ice cream and peanut butter
Why makes you say that?
Lol your body is in starvation mode and will hold on to every calorie it can. Good job!
Uh, nah, anything below 1200 is what most doctors say will put your body in starvation mode. That just seems to be how the human body works...
Uh, no, that's not how the body works. That's a myth fat people (especially Americans) use to justify over-consumption.
Well, it would make a shitload of sense for it to... it's a survival mechanism. But you're right. Of course. Because the human body doesn't have any decent techniques to keep someone from starving to death, I forgot how stupid the human design is. :facepalm:
It makes sense, and it doesn't justify ANYTHING. If you're overeating, you're still overeating even if this is true. And if you're under-eating, you're under-eating. Period. That's just how it is.
And where are you getting your information? I'm not sure that's entirely accurate... it seems like other animals have more calories than that in their diet, so even humans hundreds of years ago, would probably be able to get more than 1000 calories through the means that every other animal ever has. =/
Nothing you're saying makes any sense at all...
Other animals get more calories than that, such as cows, horses, etc. This is because they have digestive systems capable of handling pounds and pounds of meat, hay, grass, etc. Mankind, prior to the industrial revolution, often didn't eat for days on end. Read about the diets of primitive people. Even in western civilization, up in to the early 20th century, most people lived off of scrap. The average ancient Greek lived off of a diet of bread and wine. Everyone who talks about non-existent "starvation mode" is a fat prick trying to justify their un-natural, gluttonous ways.
And you just proved my point. Without such mechanisms, all humans would have starved to death. So yeah, you're an idiot. This is exactly WHY our metabolism slows down when we don't eat a certain number of calories, so that humans didn't die out. Geez, you think you would have realized this sooner. :rolleyes: You're now giving information that proves fanglekai's original point. XD
Uh, yeah. Gluttounous. Haven't eaten in a few days, but yeah, whatever...
But you've clearly missed basic health lessons. "Starvation mode" are the bodies defenses AGAINST starvation. They are the very reason it takes someone WEEKS to die of starvation. It takes calories to do everyday activities, just for the body to keep going, and it's not bad to have a bit of store, therefore with diets under 1200 calories you see a great decrease in metabolism as the body tries to preserve enough calories to keep a person alive during the "famine" for as long as they can.
You're literally posting fact after fact that proves fanglekai right, you know... I mean, maybe you should look something up before you argue that it doesn't exist. Without these natural measures being taken by the body, a human could survive maybe a week or so without food. These are the measures that make it possible for humans to survive long periods without food.
You're kind of fucking stupid as hell. And you know, I'd rather be fat than stupid. I can lose weight. Stupid lasts forever.
And this again, further proving the exact point you're arguing against. :facepalm:
Seriously, you're probably THE stupidest person I've ever encountered ever.
Because everything you said about human beings not being able to eat the way they do now, proves that there must be some sort of protection against starvation, or the human race would be extinct. Seriously, it takes a lot of energy just to LIVE. Not to mention if you do any activity what-so-ever, that takes energy as well. Our bodies burn calories for energy. They have to pull those from food or fat stores in our body. If the human metabolism didn't slow down and do all it can to build up it's stores and keep a person alive, then humans couldn't have POSSIBLY survived as a species. It just couldn't have happened.
You're just picking on me because you suddenly realized how stupid you are, and you're getting defensive. It's kind of hilarious.
Yes, because I forgot addicts go to great lengths to avoid the thing they're addicted to. :facepalm: I forgot that gluttonous meant restricting food intake to the bare minimum...
I mean, you're just making shit up now to try and make me feel bad by calling me names and all that, but really, it doesn't bother me, and if you knew anything about me, you'd know it has NO basis what-so-ever in reality...
Honestly, I'm sort of living proof such things exist. I fast for long periods of time, and restrict a great deal. But you say I'm a physical monstrosity... you saying that proves I'm fat, and knowing my true lifestyle, proves me right.
Sorry, you're just a dumbass. Better luck next time, loser! XD
No one said it was, dumbass. :facepalm:
But eating that little prepares your body for possible starvation, because it's a necessary precaution, and without it, the human race would have died out long ago. "Starvation mode" is what people call such things, but it by no means means you're ACTUALLY starving at that point, it's preparation for doing so. Especially since most people burn more than 800 calories a day just by living.
1200 is what doctors will tell you. Most humans actually burn way more than 1200 a day, on average, just by living. You like... really need to take a science lesson or something. You're so stupid it's ridiculous. And really sad...
I'm not stupid. You are. And I can't eat less than nothing, and I've actually never had a twinkie in my life that I remember, so yeah, you're an idiot.
Call me Ishmael.
May I ask how you meet your targets? I find it almost impossible to gain weight unless I gorge myself constantly. I would really appreciate if you could direct me to a good meal structure..
I gained 50 pounds in 6 months (I needed it, I was severely underweight) by doing what Oink The Pig is doing. Eat every 2 hours, start with small meals. Eat when you're not hungry. Drink caloric drinks. Make smoothies or milkshakes or protein drinks. Eat lots of protein. Have some fruits and veggies every day, but go all out on heavy carbs and protein. Eventually you'll be cruising at around 3000-4000 calories a day.