So, what happens when a long time contributors who doesn't spam nor breaks the rules suddenly gets banned from Zok*** and IRC channel all at the same time.
Apparently I was banned by Error and I couldn't read the PM because IE blocks it. It's amazing to see Error who was a Mod on and actually posted here would turn into someone like that. Not even once was he treated badly here. I guess this actually draws the final line.
I was actually holding back and trying to bridge the gaps but it's clear the Zok*** users are gone cases now especially seeing how it's easy to ban someone and get away with it. It's a sad day, the funny thing is, we're actually the only friends they got. When shit hits the fan they will come crawling back here. It's only a matter of time.
I have a mind to contact the authorities and clear and it's users name and totally go seperate from now on. This means we won't be dealing with Zoklet users any more and this pretty much puts an end to a long campaign that focused on getting old Totseans back. We tried and we gave it our best. I am done with this BS. You're free to visit that place but don't expect any protection from us for some reason you get in trouble on
I was hoping to help ShadyLady and push some force into getting that coupon guy name cleared but it seems it's pointless now. I was avoiding that place but I saw that users where in deep shit because of Zok policies, so, I figured I would get them away from that place and prevent any further harm but alas the Administration which is a total sell out doesn't want that happening. The fact that I got banned proves that they fear and they're bunch of butthurt retards who can't handle competition.
Again, it seems DaGuru was right about Zok and his butt buddies. If you're reading this and you're from Zok000 (Yes, from Zokfuckinglet) you have a limited window to make your choice. We offer things that Zoklet can't ever dare to offer and unlike Zoklet we would glady stand by your side and defend you with all our might.
In short, fuck zoklet and the so called Administration. The bridge is closed from my side. I won't be taking any part in helping Zoklet Community nor would I take part in Joint ventures. Users are free to do whatever they want but I am done.
EDIT: Apparently users from are getting banned on Cocklet.
No. Just. No. :facepalm:
There is NO law making it a NECESSARY part of a website's protocol to save IP information. THIS IS A CHOICE ZOK MADE. He is PURPOSELY making it easier to work with the police because he wants to. The cops can't do ANYTHING to him if he didn't maintain those IP records.....and he is just being a complicit creep because he's a cowardly little cunt that has surrounded himself with equally fucked up people. Half of which are either in law enforcement or want to be in law enforcement and have a tendency to side with the government any how.:thumbsdown:
And of course there is a VERY SMALL handful of Zoklet members still posting that will call him on his bullshit. Because the rest of the userbase are also unknowing morons that don't understand life or the law, and they are buying their bullshit with such eagerness.
Have fun Zoklet....some day SOME of you folks with your junior high school idealogies might grow up and finally figure out how the world really works. And for those that don't...well you get to aspire to someday be a Zoklet moderator yourself, and you can spew equally nonsensical bullshit and have kids even dumber than you believe it hook, line, and sinker.
If zoklet became better managed, they would be able to help the member base get a little bit smarter. It's a chicken or egg conundrum at work on Zoklet: if the people from whom the mods and admins are drawn aren't currently very smart, it's hard to assemble a competent leadership. You could liken Zoklet to much of Africa. Terrible leaders and full to the brim with retards.
Btw regarding logs, it's our community and we can pretty run it in any way we like. We cooperate as much as possible but if we don't log things we can't hand over anything. Simple. If they want to arrest someone, come to Pakistan and take me away
this shows they fear us
The way I see it, this is just more advertising for our community.
Their users are crying because they want protection and security? We're the answer.
Heh I like you.
You funny.
I hope fish bans me personally cause I am gonna enjoy harassing those hypocrite douchebag mods
What a load of shit
Meh .... only proves that the fucking kiddie mods are nothing but trolls
No offense but until we decide to stop posting there and actually live up to what we say and stay the fuck away nothing will ever change
With Fish turning into the biggest douche in the world and allowing this
Let the fucking site die :mad:
I'd rather be here
At least DFG will let me be Me
Agreed on the member part
There would be a few I'd miss chatting with but at this point fuck it
It's so good to hear it!
IDK how you are even banned when you only have 6 active points, wtf.
hey spec i want to join your project plz
Do you think zoklet will change?
you guys rock, glad ur back spec :thumbsup:
Why not make a thread about it with some bullet points regarding your issues with the policies here? Maybe we can work on it and get some things sorted out :thumbsup:
Spectral Policies:
Oh come on, I was just poking around
We're anonymous. Also, we're beefing more things.
That is fucking terrible
Fucking douches
Ugly cunt.
It's not just Spectral stating the obvious, but quite a few others as well. :rolleyes:
Speaking of Rodent, he hasn't posted in about a week or so....yet we haven't see this LITTLE intra-Totse drama on these boards in quite some time. :thumbsup:
Oh, and if you haven't noticed, even the fail-trolls aren't as active either. Which just goes to prove a point I've been making all these years about bad mods. Overbearing, abusive, power-tripping mods just incite the trolls and attention whores to try harder. Metaphysicist is probably the most shining example from the original Totse....and as I've already stated The Dark Rodent is proving just how much bullshit, theatrics, angst and kidiocy his toxic presence brings to the staff and boards as a whole. :thumbsup:
Hey Shady, got a question about this Coupon Guy thing you can probably aspect of all this that just hit me yesterday which I think is quite important in analyzing the "morality" of the FBI wasting their resources on such things.
Exactly WHAT was the Tide coupon offer for? $1.00? A whole free thingy of Tide?
To me its important in the sense if it was an entire free container of Tide then on some level a "theft" was made, the stores DID in fact lose out significantly. HOWEVER, if it was just money off each purchase...the stores still made money, albeit a lesser profit...but still a profit nonetheless. (And that isn't even including the point they might have made other purchases as well as the tide, so the store made their usual profit margin on the other purchases).
Granted, this has nothing to do with Zoklet's involvement or who/what is a narc.....I'm just trying to grasp the true morality of all this, has the FBI become just an enforcer making sure corporations are maitaining the highest profit levels they can are shooting for? :eek:
If that's true, it would be both sick and wrong
I don't.
Zok has permitted all of this shit, so even if he got rid of wires and made changes in management, he'd still end up allowing it to regress to it's current state. Either you agree with what Totse was supposed to be or you don't, and he doesn't. He wants it to be Zoklet, not Totse.
Man, that sucks. Some of those people used to be cool. Now they're all on Zoks dick giving him thanks for selling folks out.
The tide coupon is for $9 off one tide 100 oz or larger. That's quite a significant savings.
I'm sad you didn't mention me
The site has been pretty boring lately with all this lack of e-drama. Maybe we should implore the rodent to come back and give us some more e-drama to liven things up?
If we want drama, we should try and fuck with Zoklet.
omg you mean like a totse army, aimed at zoklet?
do we have the man power to pull this off?
So now that we are in a new what? I'm filling in the blanks. :eek:
The reason "needs" TheDarkRodent is because he too is a law enforcement officer, which is why the hierarchy keeps sweeping this issue under the rug. :thumbsdown:
TDR is mia, he informed about it weeks ago. He had some personal issue to deal with. I allow mods to take breaks and always tell them IRL is important as well. Since whatever he disclosed to us is his private life, I cannot give out the details
About the month being over, yes I am going to check things and clean things off.
Nobody's asking why he's MIA, as a matter of fact I would argue most of Totse is thankful for it. And has been already stated, there has been less drama and bullshit during his absence. :thumbsup:
What we have been asking (for a couple months now) is when the fuck are you gonna remove him from staff?..... and witness how pretty smoothly his(ELL OH FUCKIN ELL) section has been operating without him around.
If you don't do the right thing and demod him today during your janitorial duties......might I be allowed to volunteer to help out and give his section the Rodent flavor its been missing? Granted, I won't have the mod powers.....but if I entered some threads and started pissing on them/chasing off members with his toxic tripe, it'll be like he never left. :cool:
In essence, I'm asking ya......should we do this the easy way, or the hard way?