It's fucking running, I mean here I am sitting and reading threads and this fucker comes out of nowhere and runs and the fucker doesn't run around the whole screen, it's just running in one place. It doesn't annoy me but it seems cruel. At least my ant is a fucking ant and it's inside an invisible box but Mayberry character is something else.
Every time I look at it, I want to fucking punch him and rape his moldy asshole. Hell I want to use a fucking pin and pin his legs so he can't fucking walk.

I mean look at it, this fucker never fucking stops. MAKE IT STOP. SOMEONE SHOOT IT!
That game was fucking EPIC back in the day. The pissed off snowman was always my favorite. Maybe I'm thinking of ClayFighters. hmmm
You are
Gwahhhhh ha ha ha, chuckle, snort.
nice one