Gotta love them fire & brimstone type mums .... ay wi00t? :thumbsup:
A Fort Wayne woman who forced her 2-year-old son to drink a concoction of olive oil and vinegar because she thought it would exorcise a demon from him has been convicted of murder. Latisha Lawson also was convicted of neglect and battery charges, the Journal Gazette reported. Jurors deliberated for about five hours Friday before finding her guilty. Lawson faces at least 45 years in prison when she is sentenced next month.
She testified Friday that the concoction was necessary to drive a demon named "Marzon" from her son Jezaih's body. She and another woman allegedly thought their other children were possessed as well, so they also were given the mixture to drink.
All four children vomited it up, but the women held onto Jezaih while they tried to exorcise the supposed demon, and he stopped breathing, authorities said. Lawson acknowledged under cross-examination that she put her hand over the boy's mouth, but insisted she didn't intend to harm him.
Police say Lawson kept Jezaih's body in a plastic tote for more than a year after his November 2009 death until she was arrested on Dec. 21.
Not saying there are no white religious morons but somehow the black ones always seem to be a little less stable...
I just cannot fathom why some one would do this, then contain the body in plastic inside a cupboard. What did she think would happen, he would come back to life?