I am raging so fucking hard right now. How can this smug, toffee-nosed prick even have the nerve to show his face when discussing something which completely goes against his so-called "moral code" where he wants a free, open web?
Oh wait, as long as it's free and open in his eyes.
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On the web, it is very difficult to regulate what is being said - as shown in the Wikileaks releases and the furore around so-called super-injunctions.
But with the internet believed to be entering a stage of maturity, governments are looking at how best - or even whether to - regulate the internet.
David Reid visits the first ever e-G8 forum in Paris to discover what can be agreed between leaders of the world and the most influential people on the web.
More and video.
Get fucked Zuckerberg. What I'd do to put a bullet between your soulless eyes.
Dfg, get over there and give them a lecture on how the Internet really works.
What would you rather? The UN dictated financial policy? Sub Saharan Africa was in charge?
We know our Governments have and are failing us, and it's been the case ever since Western Democracy was invented in it's roots over a few thousand years back in Rome. Unfortunately, not much can change it - even when you look at Egypt. They fucking hate the new Military Interim Govt. The best way to change it is to change Politics from the inside, but keep your head straight and your heart true. Not many can make it into mainstream Politics without having to bow to the pressure of the people or money, and then you end up with someone like Nick Clegg, who had these great "ideals", then fucked it up by selling out to the Tory Govt.
As for CP, it's like drugs in Society. Easy to talk about, not easy to deal with and each case is individual. If the worldwide Police (aka Western Govt.) wanted to stop CP, then they'd do so at its source as opposed to when it's been distributed online. Now I know that's hard to do as anyone can do what they want in their home, but surely over time networks and profiles are built up? I'm just saying there has to be a better way.
Also as for Zuckerberg the Oligarch, he can just fuck off. How that smarmy faced dipshit who got lucky at University can stand and chat to World Leaders is beyond me. Who the fuck elected him?
Oh wait, the people who love Facebook did. If he lost support (ahem, let's give it a go &T) then he'd fall from grace and hopefully that'd help his rather unfortunate, downs-syndrome sheepish looking face.
I have been advocating the exploitation of his private life for a while. I reckon he would pay a hell of a lot to cover up his 'minor indescretions'. If you have the time, the patience and the skills, you will get a photograph he does not want to become public. He has small balls and its thought he has not bought a murder yet, rather tried to pay people off.
Get rich or dont die trying?
Many times I have found myself deleting replies where I advocated his murder, but y'know. I'll celebrate when he dies. I mean that.
As for murder, what do you mean? I can understand the photos etc. Never underestimate the boredom Students go through - look what it drove Zuckerberg to do - take over the world.
So long as he has the money he will continue to pay the government what ever it takes to get what he wants anyway. its about time someone destroys facebook.
A promising alternative has popped up:
Although that does not really address the problem. I personally agree with RemadE, I hope his death comes soon so that I might hold a party in celebration. Make no mistake; this man is evil and goes against everything we stand for. I will enjoy watching him fall.
One day the news will do a story about how Facebook was actively collecting information on ordinary people and selling it to companies and intelligence agencies, and maybe then some people will stop using it.
I don't think he's going to fall though. Just get richer.
Exactly that. The man is a businessman at the end of the day. He started FB to network for business purposes and it was always run as such. Zukerburg is not some basement nerd that made FB to make the internet 'better'. He recognised peoples want for a social networking site, whether they knew they wanted it or not, and he has sold it to near 700 million people world wide.
Compare that to the 2006 Word Cup Final - 715 million people watched that and Association Football is the worlds most popular sport. I am sure even Osama himself watched it.
I would say whatever his intentions were, he has been successful.
The only thing I can reckon on why people have anger towards him are:
1. Failures who are jealous that he 'just got lucky with an idea'.
2. Even bigger failures who have, or have had a FB and feel like they have had information 'stolen' by a corporation. If you put your info out there, it will remain out there.
It is his best interests the internet has more regulation. It means he has to spend less on security as governments move in to take this over. How long to you actually think it is going to be before anyone with an internet connection is going to have to pay X amount a month internet tax, to pay for the government to 'police' the internet?
Zuckerburg is creating a framework for governments to hang laws on. He is building it how he suits. It suits him to make money.