Earlier today, I downloaded a file sent from a fellow totsean, and it was named "Fonts for Gary". I realized after glancing over the file a couple of times, that I have sort of the emotional attachment to my name.
(I'd like to point out that my real name is nothing close to "Gary Oak", and that I don't use this nick for any other site.)
I think if I was out somewhere, and somebody was calling out Gary, I think I might turn to take a look-see.
So Totse, How attached to your name are you?
Hes cheating, holding it at the base to stretch it out and make it look longer.
Oh, and
In the absence of a picture of yourself I imagine this as a fairly good approximation.
I have quite a rare surname too and I find it really weird and angering when I come across a non-family person with the same name. I feel like that name is MY intellectual property.
I'm an unimaginative bastard
Nick is attached to his too
I have a hoodie with it on the back, and used to get mail addressed to both "lysdexic" and "liz Dexic".
with it.
& This ^
It's just a name to me & I've had it since totse.com. I use it in forums that are totse related...T2, zoklet etc.
Other places, I go by another name.
It's to easy to Pipl Search a username.
What was this thread about again?
This one is somewhat disposable, just used instead of my usual online name to avoid "cross-contamination" from IRL into my online life and the other way around.