I have been camping in state parks for about 3 years now, both camping at sites and camping backcountry, however, I have always paid for a permit when doing so. This summer I plan to make some trips to some state parks in the midwest, and honestly, I am sick of paying $15 a night for a campsite with electricity I don't even need and being right next to a family of 4. What I am asking is how possible is it for me to just hike a trail in one of these parks and simply camp off of the trail with no permit. When I say safety I am referring to park rangers and whatnot. I assume the chances that they would find you are low, but how late do they patrol the trails for usually? Since it's the woods I feel as though it would not be difficult to get away with, but I figured I would post here anyways for some extra advice.
Also, hiding your tent wouldn't be hard. Just make sure it's away from the trail, hidden in the undergrowth and preferably covered in leaves/vines/stuff from your surroundings to help it blend in a little better. Don't make too much noise and I'm sure you'll be alright.
Best advice I could give is something a scene of crime officer told me years ago:
'If its more than 150 yards from the nearest track, path, cutting or road, no one is going to find the body'.
Walk off track and find a clearing and if you have a open fire, keep it small and not smokey. You should be fine.
Or even better dig a hole for the firepit, also make sure to use as dry wood as possible and it should be almost smoke free.
For real "stealth camping" an alcohol or gas burner for coocking is probably your best bet, no smoke or smell to worry about and very small flame.
Leave no trace. Always pick up after yourself.
Thanks a bunch for all the responses.
[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_stove"]Rocket stove - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Rocket_stove.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/69/Rocket_stove.jpg/220px-Rocket_stove.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/6/69/Rocket_stove.jpg/220px-Rocket_stove.jpg[/ame]
I throw one up with bricks in the garden sometimes when I am having a BBQ and want to make a tandoor oven. Obviously it looks a lot different to those cans in the wiki picture.
that vid shows what I mean a bit better. You can dig one into the side of a bank of earth.
I was thinking of one of those - same principle - combustion sucking air directly to the part of the fire that needs it.
Definitely go a solid distance from a trail. Can't honestly see a ranger trekking through the woods unless you're starting a fucking bonfire or screaming like an idiot.
I do a LOT of camping in places you aren't allowed to. a few tips:
Like has all ready been said, keep your fire small, and in a deep hole or fire ring so you can't see the flames.
Don't light your fire till after sundown so no one will see the smoke.
Don't set up camp till after sundown, and break camp at sun up, less likely to be noticed, people don't hike trails in the dark
Check maps for the nearest BLM land, you can camp on it in any one place, a mile from any water source, for free, for up to 14 days at a time, legally, same for some national parks, do some research.
Get a small tent that is easier to hide, color is obviously a huge consideration also.
I used to camp around a lot of huge boulders, so I had a tent that was grey and pale blue, too bad it wore out, because they don't make them anymore.
Clean up after yourself, you may need to camp there again.