Anyone ever see pics of Machu Picchu and all that stone work?
I want to know how they did it.
Here is an example.

I believe there has to be an easy explanation and it does not include space men.
[ame=""]Machu Picchu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@
@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:80_-_Machu_Picchu_-_Juin_2009_-_edit.2.jpg" class="image"><img alt="80 - Machu Picchu - Juin 2009 - edit.2.jpg" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/0/01/80_-_Machu_Picchu_-_Juin_2009_-_edit.2.jpg/270px-80_-_Machu_Picchu_-_Juin_2009_-_edit.2.jpg[/ame]
I have done enough stone masonry to know the easy answer is 'it was the spacemen'. While it is possible to beat rocks of rocks and get a decent join, the science behind the shape of the rocks in the walls and buildings could not have been thought up at the time.
I wouldn't necessarily say "technologically advanced", just used there brain in ways that boggle our minds because we tend to think of peoples from even just a hundred years before our existence as "barbaric" because society moves/changes so quickly. Doesn't help historians, teachers, and educators of all kinds tend to manipulate the things we don't know in history to things that either sound like something someone might do at that time or just being a genius in their day.
We are animals, we adapt and overcome and there is very little in this world that will not be done if our will wishes it so. Of course the outcome may be very rudimentary in the end, but nonetheless, if we want to build a damn pyramid shape looking structure man will find a way to make it happen.
If it was that simple stone masons today would still be doing it.Rich folks would pay a premium for that kind of work.
Problem solved.
you're welcome
Sounds interesting, trying to download now but only made 0.9% progress since yesterday...
Found another torrent that have more seeders: