To be fair, I can't imagine much will be achieved because Europeans are too well behaved to start shooting Cops and apart from Greece, Molotov a Govt building. Still, some of the videos are fucked up. I found the videos on the web, but this is also News.
In short, these are all related to the rather bad place of the European economy. There are 4 Countries known as the "PIGS" of Europe, Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain, due to their dire situation and this can be seen in the following News report.
Young demonstrators who have filled a downtown Madrid plaza for the past two weeks to vent anger over bleak economic prospects and politicians they consider uncaring have voted to carry on for now.
A crowd of hundreds raised their hands Sunday evening and shook them to say yes to a proposal to keep the protest camp camp in the Puerta del Sol running. But coordinators said they will discuss to how reorganize it, including perhaps scaling it down physically to take up less space amid protests from merchants.
MADRID (Reuters) – Spaniards protesting over the handling of the country’s economic crisis vowed to keep their tents in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol square this week, driving a movement that is spreading across Europe.
Hundreds of people both young and old voted late on Sunday to keep the Sol encampment going until Thursday at least.
Dubbed “los indignados” (the indignant), tens of thousands of demonstrators packed squares across Spain in a wave of outrage over high unemployment and government austerity measures in the run-up to local and regional elections on May 22.
Fuck the lot of them.
The question is: how long will they do it? This is a barrel without bottom - you could put in an endless amount of money.
Pessimists say they are doing this only as long as some greek state bonds run out so that the banks who hold them (and there are a lot) can survive.
But banks survivin' of tax money ... it won't go well forever.
The real problem is that everybody is afraid to tell the truth and confess how bad it really is. They just try to prolong the crash. This is bad, as the crash will get harder the longer it is postponed. On the other hand this gives us time to prepare things. I can't buy gold, I am not rich. But I can get some skillz that can get me some gold later on when the crisis is here...
Watch out Americans aswell, you're not going to be spared either when crisis hits us in Europe...
I think it will go on a good while yet. Why do you think we let so many shit bag countries in? It is just a modern day empire without an Emporer or King. Calling the shots in potential member states, anti-social political policy - designed in such a way to make you hate a neighbour as much as you may be inclined to hate some one from the other side of the 'empire' or beyond.
This was why labour were so keen to get us into the Euro in the late '90's / early '00's - from then on would have moved greater polical power to Europe and The UK or, what would have been left of it, would have been vasal states to masters in Brussles.
Labours policy of devolution shows they were using the 'divide and counquor' tactic - split the UK into such small chunks by trying to force the creation of regional assmemblies who would have had statutory and legeslative powers - meaning each region of England would have become like a country in itself. Maybe OK for Cornwall, but I digress.
The reason we have these shitbag states in toe is so we can collectivly bargain for Russian oil and gas in the first instance. Europe is held together by countries with decent sized economies that have a place on the G8 and they do not want the other big players to try and take a lump out of them.
It also has two members of the permanent members of the UN security council as members. It means all of those other countries do not have to pay for nukes or feel like they are getting their hands dirty by owning them but they still get the protection from it.
The shit bag countries cost us money, much as did our own empire, the benefit from our funds and our protection and they benefit the bigger players in Europe buy growing the EU and its ecomonic base.
That is exactly what was feared when we (Sweden) entered the EU, but still we joined for some damn reason... :facepalm:
Why the hell do they want these failed states in the union anyway?
2. Have new Union states transfer to Euro
3. ???
4. Profit loss!
You want change....Elect Obama for your countries Next president..