Well, I have this issue for like a 2 months or so. At first I was just anticipating it and hoping it owuld just happen and everything will just go back to normal. I cannot sleep in a dark room or in an empty space. I used to it with ease and never had any problems but for some reason things going down hill for me. This I think has been happening for months and each time I just ignored it and tried thinking logically.
I would be close to sleep or just go into sleep and then around 2:40-4:00AM something would happen that will just kick me out my sleep. At frist I was like wtf shit and then I got just mad at this. So, I started sleeping with lights on and then it still happened so I added some noise. I only got into sleeping when I was stone cold fucked up from being awake too much.
When I am sleeping in a company everything will be normal but when I try to sleep alone in an isolated area or mainly my other room things would go wrong badly. After months of sleeping with others in a decently cooled room, I decided not to sleep in AC at night (I am sensitive to it). So, I went to the other master room, setup fans and got things rolling. The remperture was around 86+F amd I was sleepy. I couldn't sleep because I sleep because I felt something missing.
Anyway, after trying and trying, I finally went to sleep, it more like just fainting. I woke up around 3:46 Am and went to start to the main mirror and pointed to it and laughed and then I saw something draw on the fucking mirror, like some kind of fucking face and then I checked at my bed and something was amiss there. I was fucking wake and it happened in real time, I took control of myself and kept myself away from the mirror and the bed. Turned on all the lights, (I use a small energy saver to keep the room lid) and I just stood there dumbfounded.
I was thinking of just saying fuck and going back to bed, but what happened was real and couldn't be ignored. I mean I am not an idiot and I can easily spot something is fucking wrong here. According to my family certain members have seen two brides dressed in traditional Indian wedding dress standing on top of the fucking roof.
I sort of called this bullshit but my past experience with them have left me quite confused. I could say because I worried about this and I just saw things because my brain made me to it, but you don't flip out of the fucking bed and point to the mirror and laugh and see things while you're semi awake or something.
I am right now alone in the upper section and it's 4:17 Am. Between posting my off to bed reply I didn't sleep much.
The thing is I am just worried. I sort of did try to capture it with Camera and stuff and it's quite scary and it doesn't really work. I am quite sure that my house is haunted in some way and the ghosts aren't into fucking me but they're just fucking me mentally. If you want to put someone off the edge you just make sure to harm his sleep pattern.
This what is happening to me now, I can't go into REM because whatever the supernatural powers are they're always waiting to job on me. Now, I am going back to othe room and sleep with family but fuck this sucks major balls.
It's not that I am scared or anything but this puts me off in a very bad manner. I am thinking of putting salt and trying various things or doing some mental workout to control things.
Discuss. I am not trolling or kidding about this. Whatever is posted in this thread by me is the truth. If I wanted to make this up, I am sure I could have made it more fun.
How did you measure this?
Also, I call troll.
I mean I got into semi sleep state and then I wake up and this keeps on going. Regarding the cycle I was sleeping pretty fine and slept for hours. But today I decided to sleep in that room and because of that, this shit happened again.
I can't go into REM because I can't get comfortable and when I do faint, I wake up few minutes later with heart beating like a fucking horse doing some runs.
Not a troll.
I get the same thing every year around this time, don´t know why, maybe it is the warmer weather. Who knows.
After a few days of almost no sleep i start to have problems with things like you mentioned and i get problems telling if i am awake or in that half-asleep state and it really freaks me out.
I also start to have what i call "sleep deprivation ADD", one thought after another just pop into my head and after a while its impossible for me to fall asleep.
It usualy gets better once i get a few nights good sleep.
Well, its 04:39 and i really should be sleeping... :rolleyes:
I seem to recall that Feng Shui views it as bad to have a mirror in the bedroom but only if it can capture the image of your face and upper body. Course late at night mirrors tend to always get freaky for some weird reason and being able to see detailed in a half awake state can't be good for anyone.
Good idea on the salt. I think most cultures have considered it as a method of protection if one wishes to attempt to cover most of the bases.
Meditation or thought exercises would probably be the best in this case. Standard meditation should do the trick if it's a mental thing, failing massive schizophrenia that is.
One could use the traditional bag of banishing rituals such as the The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or other methods available as a practical method or a mental exercise since I recall your paradigm thread answer being mainly psychological.
Keep a good luck charm or something failing all this. If it's freaking you out enough that doing so will at the very least make you feel better go for it.
Interesting thing about REM sleep. Normally it takes around three hours to cycle through REM sleep.
Course if you're note able to get at least three hours of sleep or if you're like me and tend to wake up every hour or so your body will enter REM sleep much quicker.
If there was a no sleep issue I would fix it, like if I wasn't sleeping for 36 hours I would be calm about it. But I was sleeping for 6-8 hours daily and yesterday I did a pretty good time.
Also, this problem occurs when I sleep alone in the upper isolated region. Technically this should replicate to all other rooms, like I should feel the same way in sleeping with my family but it doesn't happen there. I feel calm and I can easily feel that everything is fine. Like my brain doesn't spike out.
Also, the sounds of different things amplify at night but I heard some door opening and closing noise from time to time. I was listening to the Dark Tower book 3 and even with the noise I heard doors opening and closing.
I am skeptical as well. Since I left old teachings I am just rediscovering everything. From my point of it, this has to be psychological since any other explanation would be based on theory and not real facts. I am going to bother and think about Ghosts but they may or may not exist.
I have read some books (mostly listened) and I have seen some pretty horrific things as well. If this was a mind game I am sure I can construct something better. But based on things what I saw was simple and even irritating to annoy me.
I already accepted whatever (ghost) things and I was hoping an encounter with them any way but they didn’t really show themselves, maybe I was a bit optimistic. The think the idea was to just get over it with. If someone was sleeping with me it would be a lot easier but again I blame some simple things.
I tend to over think too much and my mind is very creative in freaking the fuck out of anyone including. At night my brain gets stormed with ideas and I start to have good ideas which I then convert into threads etc., but since I sleep at nights nowadays this conflict with my old cycle.
The issue here is surely of my mind losing control over facts. It’s easier to write about things but when you feel and experience it from time to time, you do get shocked by it. I am just going through that phase in which I know that I am disturbed due either the backstory (Story behind the two Indian girls) or I am just not thinking rationally or these things do exist and my house is haunted and it only affects people sleeping in isolated rooms.
I am not the first one who has observed it, although I am not as scared as others might be. Annoyed yes, but not scared.
I am going to use Iron and salt and might even keep some scriptures and see if something works. If not I will just record my room at night and see if something is wrong. Although it’s pretty creepy to watch yourself sleep. I mean try it.
I am unable to speak as to the phenomenon concerning the mirror, although some of the symptoms listed could be attributed to Hypnagogia, which is the fleeting moments between wakefulness and sleep.
It is not uncommon for certain sounds, images, feelings, paralysis to be experienced alongside the hynagogic transition, among other sensory phenomena.
In such a vulnerable state between the physical and abstract, one has a higher potential to become subject to a skewed perception of events, contorted by one's own imagination, even more so when combined with a consistent lack of sleep.
Two very common phenomenon related to hypnagogia are False awakenings and "Old hag nightmares", which have been recorded in folklore.
In brief, a typical "Old Hag" experience can be summed in combination with a false awakening by the onset of sleep paralysis, with the belief of being in one's own room, all the while experiencing a feeling of impending doom. Examples.
While in my younger years, I had much trouble sleeping. Excessively religious at the time in reaction to a childhood of Catholic guilt in combination with an innate overactive imagination, I experienced many unsettling events when attempting to fall asleep, attributed to the burden of demon oppression. There were circumstances of feeling pushed down into my mattress, seeing/hearing/sensing figures presences, as well as misinterpreted false awakenings.
I reveal these seemingly naive reactions primarily to express that in retrospect I am quite aware of my misconstrued perceptions and confused logic at the time, as well as noticing the potential for such occurrences to become progressively worse as time goes on and one searches for the cause of such without finding a satisfactory conclusion, all the while building on the previous night's tension.
If I were to offer advice, it would be to research the sensations surrounding hynagogia, learn to recognize them, while accepting them for what they are.
Will do
Thank you, I am going research things and start a thread which will document things.
This is why I love totse
Ah ok, i missread what you meant in your post, might be my sleep deprivation showing... :rolleyes:
Well, I guess I should avoid listening the Dark Tower Sega before sleeping then
I am going to try sleeping alone in then fucking heat tonight and then start writing reports. This could be all in my head but it's something I must face.
As for the general feelings of anxiety, try taking some St.John's Wort, you can probably find it on the shelf at your pharmacy, as it is used to quell nervousness and maybe do some meditation exercises to relax a bit; failing that, maybe see a therapist. There's no shame in it, maybe you have depression or an anxiety disorder... or some wierd neurological imbalance is fucking with your melatonin levels.
Also, as far a ghosts and the supernatural are concerned, consider this;
Thanks, I actually fixed this issue. It seems it was due to lack of sleep and fucked my patterns. No need for drugs