What tools does everyone take out?
I've only ever taken out a pocket knife, a heavy duty set of pliers and shit pair of bolt cutters, but I am looking for something a lot lighter.
Will probably buy a multitool and leave the bolt cutters at home. What do you use?
If you were to have a target in mind on the other hand then just bring what you need for the job.
There were probably more, but I haven't done it properly in years. As trx said, it all depended on what I was doing, so due to that, I might not have taken a lockpick set etc, but might have had a hi-viz vest, clipboard, welly boots and hard hat to look official when looking in and doing some recon. I'd also conform to the following and I hope you do too in order to preserve it:
Also, cannot reccommend this book enough on the topic.
Speaking of which - what gives the cops the right to search you?
I think you should say as little as possible when apprehended, although you should be truthful as well. If you lie to the cop and he finds out, he'll have a reason to search you.
I generally like to take a set of pliers out with me whenever I go on ops anyway, so the multitool will come in handy. I don't think the cops can pull you up for a multitool?
Steal that shit bro. This is bad ideas after all.
I'm not really familiar with US law though so I could be wrong. Also, if you're caught breaking into somewhere with the multi-tool then you're fucked
Here in the UK, he was given a Criminal Record for that as he had no legal plumbing docs on him.
If he sees this and there is a factual error..oh no, wait. Seeing him tomorrow. Will ask. But that's the story he has told me.
Never bring the tools into a site if it can be avoided, without them you can always claim you simply found a hole in the fence or "there was no lock on the door".
Personaly i dont carry tools as iam more into UE then "night ops"
"take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints"
And i dont like leaving alot of footprints either.
Footprints are like fingerprints and can identify you to crime scenes or trespassing.
I don't know, just my thoughts on the matter. Sometimes it's not possible to do it that way, that's fine. It happens. But that doesn't mean you just step it down to ordinary trespassing and B&E then call it a night op. Apologies for reappearing with such a douche-bag post, but it needed said.
That fucker can cut through quarter inch cable.